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Vessel Update Released


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Patch Notes version 1.12


Hardware Detection:

-Failure to meet GPU requirements will result in a detailed error message at startup.


Player Movement:

-The player is no longer prevented from jumping if he is doing his land animation. Makes jumping more fluid

-Made the minimum jump smaller and the maximum jump longer.

-Made the player fall faster if he releases the jump button early.

-Ladder climb is now slightly faster

-Removed a small visual glitch when exiting a ladder

-Replaced all small cranks with smaller ones that are turned by hand, adding a new hand-turn dynamic animation.


Difficulty adjustment

-Added checkpoints in Factory lava sections

-Added lights to warn when mashers were about to strike to give the player more of a hint.

-Added checkpoints around tricky jumps in Mines

-After dying, the player will keep the liquid in their backpack, unless they had more at the last checkpoint.

-Small groups of purple reactant will no longer be able to kill you (it will still damage you).

-Made the drinker explosion more powerful, prevents problems in some puzzles.

-Added a 'gamepad recommended' icon to the title screen.



-Players who made it to the end level in an earlier build would lose the ability to suction glow goo when they updated to current build. Fixed.

-Made some geometry thicker in the orchard where the player could fall through it

-Machine #9 in Factory was not accepting steam sometimes, fixed.

-Lever on upgrade machine would stick sometimes, fixed.

-Tweaked some buttons that Operators could slip off of.

-Clicking to close a GUI menu will no longer fire the gun.

-Releasing the fire button while the mouse cursor is outside the window will now stop the gun from firing.

-Swing animation only happens when pressing left or right now.

-Game can now be paused during the opening sequence, allowing the player to exit and change options then.

-Ladder sound would miss a footstep when descending, fixed.

-Adjusted some jump pads to work with new jump changes

-Made some puzzle doors permanently open, in case you die before you start the machine they expose.





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