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Happy Holidays From the Community!

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Well the Holidays are here and we at HeLLsGamers wish that you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.

Hopefully you all will have a SAFE holiday and drive/fly carefully. We look forward to seeing you in the HeLLsGamers servers.

~~HG News~~

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Hell is not simply a concept of Christianity, Catholicism, or Judaism. Hell is a belief that's held by both cultures and religions.


I know I'm being an ass don't worry.


If you look at Wikipedia(the best form of information around!![LOLZ] ) it has a completely separate page for what it calls "Hell in Christian Beliefs".





Love you all.


Merry Christmas to all.

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I was joking about Wikipedia lol.


I had to prove to my 9 year old nephew that got nearly all of his information there that it can be changed at anytime, by anyone.


I did this by going into some random article and changing the heading to say Jake is cool!


He was amazed, yet slightly disappointed. Another child's dreams shattered by me. 13-0

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I bet you given enough time, you can give me any information source and I'll prove its inaccuracy. All sources of information are always faulty one way or another. What do you consider a solid, infallible information source? Who are the ones who tell you Wikipedia is inaccurate? Are they themselves accurate one hundred percent of the time? If not, how can you trust anything about them now?



I was joking about Wikipedia lol.


I had to prove to my 9 year old nephew that got nearly all of his information there that it can be changed at anytime, by anyone.


I did this by going into some random article and changing the heading to say Jake is cool!


He was amazed, yet slightly disappointed. Another child's dreams shattered by me. 13-0



Just because you edit it once doesn't mean it's staying for more than 10 seconds. In fact, link us the article you edited so we can see the edit history!





Smart people use the wikipedia article as a guideline and use the citations as the concrete proof. Unsmart people say, "Omg wikipedia i saw on fox news they said some guys article say he ate poop so i can ever trust it again even tho the citations credited at the bottom are what people generally use when linking articles man i m so s-m-r-t smart."




All in all, you both fail.


Also, Happy Holidays jerks.



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