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im so pissed of ive been working on my pc for 30 min, i need to find something called computer chassis have no idea what it is...

my pc has arrived in case u didnt understand that from the first line :D

also ma gear arrived so now i have a rocccat kone [+] logiteck g35 headset and a logiteck g510 keyboard. the headset is awsome since i can have different voices my favorite is space squirl the rest is cinda un clear, ille be onn team speak 3 l8er what time i dunno, but it is prob inn 3 hours so u gye can hear how fucked up it is... if any of u gyes know what a chassis is plz tell me :D

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At my old job as a computer builder, my shop station was literally a motherboard I took wood deck screws and screwed to the plywood underside of my work bench. Don't let anyone tell you that you NEED a case.


Agree 100 percent. Im looking to wall mount my computer parts in plexi to make it look super sweet. Ill show pics when i build it, Its gonna be to legit.

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At my old job as a computer builder, my shop station was literally a motherboard I took wood deck screws and screwed to the plywood underside of my work bench. Don't let anyone tell you that you NEED a case.


He's right. Just have the wiring and everything tight so nothing grabs it and yanks it off. The only thing I'd worry about is, hair and particles getting in there. But maybe canned air that thing every day or every other day.

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