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Unjust gmod ban


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1. Your in-game name: spike_wess

2. Server that you were blacklisted on: HG PERP LITE

3. The Blacklisting admin: HG | Darkwing Duck [M] (BAN REQUEST)

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:17929415

5. Reason for blacklist: Apparently punch whoring, which I'd like to explain. That user was following since the first suburbs houses and was punching me on and off even when I fought back he posted a URL in local chat you can look that up in the logs if you don't believe me which wouldn't that be an offence against him? I'd say that's OOC IC, being a former admin from VOLTAGE GAMING and have having past game time on PULSAR EFFECT ROLE PLAY. I know my way around role playing, I feel wrongfully accused and feel that the actions taken agasint me were unjust, as they seemed just from that short video that user posted, but ask yourself this I punched him a few times but why did he just start recording there? And when you see me punch him one more time that's because I click back in from being minimized as I was fixing my mic. He instegated this and caused this, when out of his way to say give me my cocaine as well. I don't really care much if I was banned and deserved it but, being as you guys are admins to make the server enjoyable and clean, you should respect that I as a player am having an issue like this and would like it to be looked into or shot down for lack of evidence. Back in my position as Division leader in Voltage Gaming, I would tell my admins to take in account for short video clips, there's always a cause to an effect rather than acting on something fast, try to understand it and get to the bottom of it. I get it though, you guys are busy and from what I could tell the servers are very hectic so I do not hold this against anyone besides the player that wrongfully accused me of something i did not do.



Thanks for reading this.

Edited by SuperSkreech
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