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PERP Roleplay


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Hello everyone! I am pretty new, and I have noticed a few things in the server I would like to point out, and hopefully be changed for the better! I'm fresh from a different community with a PERP server that I am currently admin on, but it started getting inactive so I started looking for new places, that's why I'm here. I have noticed that when I am on, there is little to no admins on, which, with this large of a playerbase, can be a problem. Almost every time I'm in the server, there seems to be no sign of legitimate role play going on. All just, speeding through town, hitting people, and cops sitting on their butts. This is nobodies faults but the players themselves just not choosing to RP correctly. So what I'm trying to say overall here, is I believe either this community needs more admins on PERP, or have the admins currently on that are still active in the server, enforce RP more than they do now. I believe just by doing that and enforcing the rules, the server can perhaps start being more RP related instead of just a crazy mess! If the admins show they can step it up and enforce rules, the players will know this isn't just some server that can't be controlled, it's a server that can be played, and correctly RPed with! And I don't mean just for the admins to step up a bit, I would hope that all the players can try to take their part, and try to RP correctly. Not just while driving and not hitting people and breaking laws, but in jobs as well. Get to know that job in real life, and you can become the cop/firefighter/medic/ect... you've always wanted to try to be or see. This is my overall conclusion of this thread.

Admins, please try to enforce RP more and step up with RPing yourselves, and players, please RP the best you can, and use some of my tips to help you get there!

I hope everyone can agree with me, and in no way did I mean to hurt anyone's feelings or sense of authority in this thread. I made it to try to help the server the best I can in my part!

Thanks everyone!

~Jakehas (IGN Dan Wesolowski)

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Moved to the proper section.


...I have noticed that when I am on, there is little to no admins on, which, with this large of a playerbase, can be a problem...


While we value your input Jake, the admins do police the server a lot. We are typically hidden in the player list so you might not notice we are there. The main thing here is we have to rely heavily on the community to help as well because we cannot be everywhere at once. We have a report section on the forums for this exact purpose. If you see rules being broken, please post a report in the proper format and action will be taken.



...All just, speeding through town, hitting people, and cops sitting on their butts. This is nobodies faults but the players themselves just not choosing to RP correctly.


Again, if people are breaking the rules, we need proof in the report section to take action.



...Get to know that job in real life, and you can become the cop/firefighter/medic/ect... you've always wanted to try to be or see.


Sorry, but what? No offense to the younger people (which is a lot of the server population), but they have no life experience, let alone applicable job experience that would allow them to understand what those jobs are like.






And Shadow, in your response to calling PERP "lite rp," the only reason it's called that is because you don't have to type out /me before everything you do in the game. This does not mean that you are not supposed to RP or that it should be taken more litely. You still need to RP in the server.

Edited by Darkwing Duck
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Moved to the proper section.

While we value your input Jake, the admins do police the server a lot. We are typically hidden in the player list so you might not notice we are there. The main thing here is we have to rely heavily on the community to help as well because we cannot be everywhere at once. We have a report section on the forums for this exact purpose. If you see rules being broken, please post a report in the proper format and action will be taken.


I understand that. You guys do do a lot to police the server. I just meant that the RP can get out of hand real fast, and the reason I haven't reported anything, is because it's usually a huge group of em. One thing that mainly sticks out involving RP, is whenever I'm in the city and there's a very good amount of people on (There usually is), people are speeding through all the lights, hitting people, and just disregarding everything around. Now if it was just a few people that do that every once in a while, I could understand that his role within role play could be a bit rebelious, but when it's almost everyone, and when the cops just walk by it like nothing happens... It doesn't stand out to me myself well. That's all my opinion on it.


Moved to the proper section.


Sorry, but what? No offense to the younger people (which is a lot of the server population), but they have no life experience, let alone applicable job experience that would allow them to understand what those jobs are like.


No you mis-understood me. Of course I didn't expect people to get real experience in the server, especially because a lot of them, including myself, are the "Younger people". I mean just kinda understand the job. Go watch cops, Youtube videos, Google, ect... There's many ways you can study a job to try to be good ingame with it. That's just of course who would like to stay with, what you could call, a PERP career where they just want to devote to one job. F'rinstance, on the other PERP server I administrate on, I have my PERP career set up as a police officer. I got a bit lucky with that one being my father is an officer with the city police department, and my mother is an ex-911 dispatcher. This may sound crazy and even "too" into it, but I have a police scanner in my bedroom, on 24/7 next to my computer, I ask my dad questions about the job, I watch Youtube and even Google a lot of stuff about it, and I try to fit in a few cop shows a day. Heck, I know almost every police code and command my city police department uses! It may sound excessive, but if you would go onto that server that I usually play when it's well populated, you would see me there all in to the role play. Research helps me. So no I didn't mean go get that job in RL, of course not, just study it like I do!


(PS: Don't think I just study police work for gaming, that's my career plan to be an officer in my city's police department as a real career)

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Admins, please try to enforce RP more and step up with RPing yourselves, and players, please RP the best you can, and use some of my tips to help you get there!

Sometimes, RP is defined differently is servers. We are not a "Serious" server where everyone seems to be orderly and obeys the laws. Essentially, our server is a giant playground for people who LOVE to break laws and be trigger happy as fuuuu-, or to sum it up, everyone is a jackass. Take it with a grain of salt though, as some people's perspectives of the server are different.


I understand that. YOne thing that mainly sticks out involving RP, is whenever I'm in the city and there's a very good amount of people on (There usually is), people are speeding through all the lights, hitting people, and just disregarding everything around. ... and when the cops just walk by it like nothing happens...

It is the police officers job to regulate speed limits, red lights, and so on. Like Cal said in his post, if you see someone not doing/abusing their job, report it on our forums with VALID proof. We (admins) like to RP as well and often times we cannot see everything that is happening.


There's many ways you can study a job to try to be good ingame with it. ...I got a bit lucky with that one being my father is an officer with the city police department, and my mother is an ex-911 dispatcher.

You are different from many others. I'd have to take a guesstimate here and say that a good percentage of our server's population are as lazy as can be and don't want to go online and "study" their job. Again, if they are doing it wrong as per our server's rules, report it. Yes, you CAN alert an admin through /report (which Moderators, like me, cannot see) or through OOC (which we can see).


For future reference to everyone who plays on our PERP server, if you are alerting an admin, don't be a dick about it. We like to RP just like you do to, and sometimes, we are caught up with something and cannot respond to you immediately. Say it once, maybe twice, and wait for a response. We (or I) do not just ignore your concerns for the server and we (or I, again) do take it into consideration. I've had too many god damn occasions where certain people get mad cause I do not respond to them since I'm raiding some mo'fucker over yonder. I try to give you guys my utmost respect when dealing with players, please, be a gent' and reflect some of that respect towards us (or me).

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