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Black Ops 2. Are you hyped or dissapointed?


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Ever since Black Ops 2 was announced as this amazing futuristic game with drones and robots and what not, I've felt ashamed of ever wanting to buy it. Personally, I think the series has run dry, unless they want to go back to World War 2 or Vietnam... or hell even the Persian Gulf and Iraq/Afghanistan wars. Now I know millions of people will buy Black Ops 2 just because its so large and famous, but will they really enjoy it? Other than zombies, which is the only reason I'm thinking of buying it, theres really nothing all too new about it. Graphics are the same, AI is the same, the entire feel is just the same. So HG, I know how critical you can be, what are your thoughts about Black Ops 2 and do you plan on purchasing it?

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I need to see more trailers and information before I decide to buy it.

I was always a crazy CoD fanboy back when the Wii was great system to get. Man, CoD 3 was a very fun game to play. I loved the WWII CoD games. Then they just skipped the Gulf Wars and went to some non-existent thing in the future. I'd like to play a Gulf War kinda game.


Treyarch is the better of the 2 companies that make the game. BO had fun, interactive things, like doors to open. MW3 removed all those, and everything is now bolted to the ground. The only interactive things are a few exploding cars.


I never liked Activision way of forcing 1 player to host the games. It provided that 1 or 2 second advantage that can kill you in a FPS game. So, to counter that, they had a lag compensating system placed in BO, and MW3. If you watch carefully in the killcams, you can see this. Ex: A guy comes around the corner, pulls the trigger and shoots 7 bullets. As I see him coming around the corner, I fire 4 bullets into him. I get killed, and for the lulz, I watch the killcam. I see those 7 bullets fire from his gun and hit me, but it shows that I only fired 1 bullet.

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we are all going to talk shit about the game and say the same shit like "get a new engine" "same shit new guns" but in reality its going to break every sells record like every other COD... and of course we are going to have like 12938091230192830192 people playing it the day it is released so i pre orderd it already and i am sure i am going to buy extra copies of it and give them away like always

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I'll get it so I can play with my real life friends but that is about it. Also if you keep saying "get a new engine" you aren't a very smart person. CoD is made for CONSOLE and ported to PC. Consoles can't handle a newer game engine for CoD without the gameplay completely changing and the fps would not consistently be 50-60 but around 30. That isn't very good for a fast arcade shooter so they just have to work with what the have. Ok and so what if it is the same thing as before that's pretty much what I see CS GO to be...

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  GreyLlama said:
Jesus, release a new game engine already. Thats my two cents.


It is using a new engine don't post something if you don't know what your talking about. The game will run on an updated version of the previous engine, but will support DX11.


Why do your games look like crap? Maybe cuz you're playing them on console. Get it for PC like I did and use DX11 if you can. Stop buying for console...


Define "NEW-Engine" BF games have all ran on the frostbyte engine just all of them are updated with new graphics.


I pre-ordered Bo2 for zombies. Multiplayer is going to be SHIT. Along with story mode maybe. I don't see why everyone is saying "change it up" when they have. If you have been following along with the story, Bo2 will have decisive mission points where you will have 2 decisions that will effect the end of the game. Zombies and story lines will be "linked". Also, doing what no call of duty has ever done before and gone to the future is a big step. They are taking a big risk with this game and it better be good. Stop complaining about the graphics because 9/10 your going to end up buying the game anyways :)

Edited by armisdumb
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  • 3 weeks later...

What Bob said..


When I saw the trailer and found out more about the game.. I instantly said to myself its just Battlefield 2142 with improved graphics, a campaign a bit more variety of stuff and it has a Terminator 3 storyline.


I'm not that hyped for Black ops 2. I'm just use to normal scenario shooters like MW2 or Counter-strike.


But I'll be honest, when Black ops was coming out, I was like OH EM GEE THIS GONNA BE SO EPIC I WANT IT SO BAD EVEN THO IM NOT GONNA BUY IT...


The reason why I never bought it and probably wont is because my GPU is too shit to run anything. ( ATI 3000)

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