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Gang War Permission (GMOD)


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I was thinking that there are a few people that are just generally annoying on GMOD. They dont break the rules to bad to be reportable, but they will shoot you at the faintest sign of trouble....then not finish you off when here are no medics playing...they will raid you exactly 30 mins after their earlier raid....they are more likely to rob you than trade you the item you want. When you are a cop, they will shoot you as your leaving their property because they count to 5 super quick. The list goes on.... These people all seem to be in the same org.....


I was wondering if it would be perfectly legal to declare a gang war. This would mean that if I saw a member of the opposing org walking along.....selling in a shop....buying a house....I would go out of my way to run them down, shoot them and burn their property. When I say "me" I mean every org member.


I was also wondering that if there was a "gang war" whether it would be breaking NLR to get back up and go back to the gang war...as long as you "forgot" who killed you and you dont hold any grudges...just continuing the gang war.


This would liven up the server.....create jobs (cops would have more to control, medics would be needed) and generally be fun.


I am not suggesting rdming or cdming, you would make sure you only disrupt the org members lives. The org you delcared war on would have full rights to fight back at ANY of your orgs members...no matter if they have been involved.


I am suggesting a war....you would probably need to advertise it first using /advert. I am just making sure that if i did declare war on a certain org....that I wouldnt be RDM'ing as long as I gave the apposing org time to respond...and I would not continue if they surrendered/stopped.


Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated...




Edit: Current Gang Wars last 30 mins. I think i am right in saying that that is way too short to maximise to fun. Maybe a 2 day long war would create to atmosphere Im thinking about.

Edited by WhataWackaMonk
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