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Thorn(Littledragon)'s Admin Abuse


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1. Name:Thorn(or little dragon, he switches names) and The names bob saget bob saget.

2. Steam Id:THORN" STEAM_0:0:29933371 (Bobs)>>> The name's sagget, bob sagget" STEAM_0:0:46099673

3. Server:Hg's Zombie Survival

4. Reason:Anyways... So Im playing a game in zombiesurvial, out of no where, Im kicked, I look into my console, and it displays *thorn* as the kicker, recently he has bought admin, there are no reqs for getting admin on zombie survival... So I come back asking why? His friend bob says "I called him" showing that thorn is willing to abuse his powers to do what his friends or himself wish to do. upon coming back, Out of no where, Im banned saying Dont try and permaban Dumbass. Not sure where he is allowed to do that. Background info, Silverdragon has a problem with me and a bunch of people on the server, people have been complaining about him but he only abuses while no other admin is on, he tends to noclip and do what he wishes. Basically saying...He kicks and bans me without proof,and does it out of revenge I assume since I tend to call an admin above him when he begins to abuse.

5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/qu/2012-07-01_00005.jpg




"Phooogie": http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/x9/2012-06-27_00002.jpg


"Phooogie": http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/28/2012-07-01_00001.jpg


6. Comments:Background info, Silverdragon has a problem with me and a bunch of people on the server, people have been complaining about him but he only abuses while no other admin is on, he tends to noclip and do what he wishes. He often abuses, when caught, he leaves or kills himself. For the noclipping, Zj a admin on perp and zs will give a screenshot.Hes sleeping right now. Also, I never attempted to Permaban anyone, you cannot ban anyone on the server, only votekick, He just decided to add that I have no idea why.


STEAM_0:0:26870982 Forgot my steam id: Im currerently banned hours? not sure, he doesnt really know the rules, most likely he wont make a banreport if its above 2 which Im sure he did, like I said he has a gruge against me and displayed it in the ban against me.

Edited by SuperSkreech
Forgot my steam id: Im currerently banned
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