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Official Petition to change back to old warrant system


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I am making this petition, because the new auto warrant system that was just implemented into perp ruins gameplay and is a little bit excessive. This new system virtually makes the job of the police chief non-existent, and if you so much as even punch a cop on accident you get a warrant. I feel personally that the old system worked very well and people enjoyed how the game played. If you would like to switch back to the old way that warrants were given and not auto given please +1 this post and also express your opinion if you disagree. Thanks alot guys and hope this change is reviewed.

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  • Executive Council

This new system does not negate the police chief or mayor. It simply makes a cops job a little easier because the person he is fighting will get warranted.


The only auto-warrant there is is the bank, and if you hurt a gov employee. Murder of other civilians, raiding, etc still has to be manually warranted. We're evaluating what our next move would be.


But please try and look at the big picture here. This system is designed so police don't have to be screaming out a warrant so they can arrest a person who is attacking them. That is the only thing it was designed for.

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What everyone here is describing is exactly why the system was created, people do stupid shit. It gives more accountability to the people who would just fire and forget into crowds of police, then run away and pretend nothing happened. It's cause and effect, you shoot cops, you get warranted.

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What everyone here is describing is exactly why the system was created, people do stupid shit. It gives more accountability to the people who would just fire and forget into crowds of police, then run away and pretend nothing happened. It's cause and effect, you shoot cops, you get warranted.


It takes all the work out though, you kill one cop in private and everyone knows you did it. Its basically Cops are god, you mess with one and everyone instantly knows it and is after you. Nothing can be done in private. No need to call for backup when you get shot its auto called. Idiots can abuse this very easily randomly shooting to get shot ect cops not doing there job correctly getting killed making innocents arrested.

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What everyone here is describing is exactly why the system was created, people do stupid shit. It gives more accountability to the people who would just fire and forget into crowds of police, then run away and pretend nothing happened. It's cause and effect, you shoot cops, you get warranted.


It makes more sense when you put it that way..

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The way they have the system is a bit over the top. Now for example, you have a bat hitting a cop 3 times. You get warranted. You have an ak and you kill a cop when people are around you ( not gang members) you get warranted. But ob the other hand you kill a cop in the woods when no one is around. You get off.


My suggestion is to make it a bit like red dead redemption. Also make some system to detect if you shot a cop through a wall. And it should be perfect.


And about the car ramming. Isn't there a force value u can set on when the warrant will he issued. Instead of just touching the car, or the cop ramming u. U have to hit them with a force of about 5k or more( if that is a lot) mostly make it so you have to hit there car to move it like 10 ft.


Lastly add something like a range indicator so you have to get away from 50yards from each cop around u for your warrant to decrease faster( you can adjust the value of this)


Just some suggestions and opinions.

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  • Executive Council
Wait then that means killing a cop trying to raid ur house pointless because u get auto arrested and then ur house gets warranted


Generally, if the cop is trying to raid your house you already got a warrant on it anyway.

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I can understand the thought process of this, but I really dislike it, and I feel that, although it is lite rp, we should still stick to the rules of real life (At least in interaction with the government) as much as possible. This change removes a big aspect of the RP side of things for me, and, despite what you may say, it does water down the role of Mayor and Police chief a bit. As to your point on how this is meant to be used, in a fight, that's... well, it just seems a bit stupid to me. During a fight, the police nearly never try to arrest. Usually they go for the taze or kill, and if they kill, they just wait until the guy is warranted to let the medic revive him, and if it's taze, they can just keep tazing until the warrant is ready.


I don't think this system should be completely removed, though. I think it should be in place, though in a watered down version, when there is no police chief or mayor present. Perhaps the current warrant system, but a shorter warrant. Any way, I hope you reviewed my input, and if so thank you for reading.

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-1 i like the new way, it make you think so do i really wanna kill that cop, or even punch him, or even shoot tho the glass of my house at him, it make the law feel like they is law, and not just having a bunch of players running around doing what ever they want not giving a FK about the police, now if you wanna punch whore u get a 200 sec timeout, i love it

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  • Executive Council

A lot of people seem to be misunderstanding this system. It is NOT a full on auto-warrant system. The only thing that it does is warrant you if you attack a government official.


As police chief, when I go patrolling through town and find something. If I get attacked I have to open up F3 then try and find their name, then issue a warrant. Which by that time they kill me rather easy.


Basically, the idea is that you don't fuck with the city police unless you have to. So many people just attack police and gov workers for stupid reasons. This is an effort to curb that.


If someone is punching me as chief and I've already unwarranted arrested someone else I cannot arrest them again.

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Think as a real life kind of thing. Idk about other countries, but in America, if someone punches a cop, they can be arrested on sight for assault of an officer. A cop is NOT supposed to let someone else off on that kind of thing. Therefore, it works. Auto-warranting is just like arrest-on-sight irl.


-1 it works.

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Basically, the idea is that you don't fuck with the city police unless you have to. So many people just attack police and gov workers for stupid reasons. This is an effort to curb that.




You guys are mad that there are actually consequences for your actions now?

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