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War Inc. Battlezone Update Released


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July 6, 2012 UPDATE

Adjusted lighting on some maps

You can now go directly to other menus from the inventory screen

Fixed a bug where you could purchase locked weapons with WP

Fixed a bug where some ranks were showing the wrong reward



July 3, 2012 UPDATE

Added a Screen flash when using bandages/shots

Added new art for selecting your class as a new player.

Descriptions for items are always shown beneath the image in the store.

Clicking on 'pending applications' or 'friend request' takes you to the proper screen.

Pressing 'esc' in the the attachements menu now returns you to the previous screen.

when buying item focus should stay on it.

You can now use your hotkeys to drop and use items.

Fixed placing turrets in some areas.

Friendly UAV should have blue friendly symbol above it.



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