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Whats with all the changes in perp?


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Why the fuck does perp keep getting changed, the new automatic warrants and the death fee becoming higher. What the fuck is happening to perp? I used to love to play perp but now every time i get on hellsgamers.com and see a new change to perp it makes me want to play it less. Now it just seams no fun with all the stupid changes. This makes me want to play less, so i have been reverting to other servers. I think we should leave perp alone, or at least have a poll of the players opinions before you make a new drastic change. This will let you know if it is even worth wasting your time on making a new change. If stupid changes like this keep happening then i am done playing on the hg perp server, which would suck because its the best perp server out there!! But oh well it will soon go to shit if changes keep happening. Thanks for reading, leave your opinion below in a comment.

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I can't understand why would would want to play the same exact thing over and over again with no changes. The auto-warrant makes the cops' job easier and doesn't force then to die instead of atleast trying to arrest someone and the death cost is the same. No matter where you go the server will change and they do that so the server stays alive.

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I can't understand why would would want to play the same exact thing over and over again with no changes. The auto-warrant makes the cops' job easier and doesn't force then to die instead of atleast trying to arrest someone and the death cost is the same. No matter where you go the server will change and they do that so the server stays alive.

It just makes no sense to me, why make the cops job easier. If it is easier to be a cop now then what is the point in even being a cop? It takes the fun out of the game, that is all i am trying to say.

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Take it like this. You're a cop whos doing his job great just like all the other government employees but oh no; the mayor is a jackass and theres no police chief. Now you rely on the 10 minute cool-down to be able to arrest anybody that is breaking the law (anything from mass murder to slapping you) and hes mowing down cops. You want to stop him but know the mayor isn't smart enough to warrant.


Fast forward to present day and now hes in jail. No more worry about spamming the mayor or police chief for warrants that you won't get and nobody is the wiser. As Kigen said it doesn't put a big "ARREST ME" on their head, it just disables the cooldown on the cuffs.

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I agree with a lot of what you are trying to say, but you put it into a disrespectful and demanding manner. The Auto - warrant is new, and while I agree with it I think that there should have been some sort of poll to test how to community feels about it, instead of throwing it in there to wait for the community's reaction. Same with the "balancing" of the drug price and the increase of death cost. Minor changes and fixes that everybody would easily agree to are fine, but I would really love to see some way that us non-staff can be involved in the development of changes to the server, rather than it being done under our noses. I trust that the staff know what they are doing, but I do like to have my say.

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We have a suggestion thread for a reason, almost all of the changes were made via suggestions in that thread. So the community has it's say, just the game isn't tailor made for each person. We make changes based on the consensus of the entire community as a whole not just one person. And the fact of the matter was is that cops needed a far better way of arresting someone then waiting for mayor/police chief to issue the warrants for fairly obvious things like shooting at police. The death tax, if you want to call it a tax, enforces a key aspect of perp, dying sucks. It is imperative that the player pays a substantial penalty for death otherwise it becomes little more then a mild inconvenience. Sure you have the wait, but, considering you know how long it is, players end up just alt+tabbing out and surfing the web until it ends. The tax enforces a notion that you should avoid death at all costs otherwise your going to end up broke quick.

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Your input might have been taken seriously if not for the way you presented yourself. Saying "fuck" every other sentence is kind of a warning sign to disregard this thread.


As for your...input, our staff do not do random changes out of the blue. Things are put in at the request of players. The only true way to figure out if something works is by playtesting it. We could test something on a closed server till we're blue in the face, but we won't know the kind of impact it has on the community until it goes live. If enough constructive and meaningful criticism is set against it, then it may be rolled back.


But saying the equivalent of "OMG WTF THIS SUX" makes your opinion easily ignored.

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Your input might have been taken seriously if not for the way you presented yourself. Saying "fuck" every other sentence is kind of a warning sign to disregard this thread.


As for your...input, our staff do not do random changes out of the blue. Things are put in at the request of players. The only true way to figure out if something works is by playtesting it. We could test something on a closed server till we're blue in the face, but we won't know the kind of impact it has on the community until it goes live. If enough constructive and meaningful criticism is set against it, then it may be rolled back.


But saying the equivalent of "OMG WTF THIS SUX" makes your opinion easily ignored.


I don't think you were responding to me, I hope not lol. I know there is a suggestion thread, but what I am saying is that we have no idea what is going on until it happens. Wouldn't it avoid a lot of chaos and whining and raging if upcoming changes were made public?

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I don't think you were responding to me, I hope not lol. I know there is a suggestion thread, but what I am saying is that we have no idea what is going on until it happens. Wouldn't it avoid a lot of chaos and whining and raging if upcoming changes were made public?


The changes are made available to the public, however, inevitably, any changes would always be met with those for and against it. If we had to wait for everything to be vetted by the play base nothing would get done. Instead, like lamp said, we push the update out into the "wild". This allows not only the player base to see first hand how the update effects them but also assist the devs on how the update affects the server at large and then make adjustments based on that analysis.

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All things change, sometimes people like it sometimes they don't. I was an orgianol player of Roblox.com for its first 2 years alive, then it started pulling in more kids, and started going disney and I left. Its all about what you feel but the servers gonna do whats best. Look at youtube updateing designs ect. All about opinion.

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  • Executive Council
Your input might have been taken seriously if not for the way you presented yourself. Saying "fuck" every other sentence is kind of a warning sign to disregard this thread.


As for your...input, our staff do not do random changes out of the blue. Things are put in at the request of players. The only true way to figure out if something works is by playtesting it. We could test something on a closed server till we're blue in the face, but we won't know the kind of impact it has on the community until it goes live. If enough constructive and meaningful criticism is set against it, then it may be rolled back.


But saying the equivalent of "OMG WTF THIS SUX" makes your opinion easily ignored.



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