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About the new updates.

Guest yaboui

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I've seen a bunch of threads which consists of people complaining about certain updates on PERP. We do appreciate your opinion, A LOT. I've heard a bunch of people say something similar to "Why don't they just leave the server alone I like it the way it is" But that statement is incredibly stupid and ignorant. If we did not update the server you would STILL complain and people wouldn't even play. Most updates are implemented for a reason for example


500-1000 Dollar death fee - People have been avoiding RP by killing them self and not caring for dying at all. This needs to stop, and I know a lot of people will be like "Its a LITE server it doesn't matter" But just because its a LITE server it does not mean there is no RP at all. LITE actually means you don't use /me commands to do actions, for example /me takes out his weapon from the trunk of the car.


If you do not appreciate updates, feel free to vent your opinion. But please do not make over 9000 threads about it, if a thread has been made, please just add your opinion in that thread. If I continue to see 5 NEW threads about the same shit, they will be deleted. Its just spamming and deterring us from important information.


Like I said before, our developers have been working pretty hard on the PERP server. And new updates will be implemented, one at a time so if you do dislike the update we can quickly fix that. We have some updates in mind but implementing them all at one time would be stupid, and could cause a mass amount of problems.


If you would like to suggest things or give input there is a input thread here - https://hellsgamers.com/threads/67386-OFFICIAL-PERP-suggestion-thread, you can also talk to a DA+ who will most likely post your suggestion to a garrysmod leadership chat where all of the garrysmod division can see your post.


Like I said before, we do appreciate your input. But please think before you make threads. Thanks for your time and thanks for playing the server, we have really gotten somewhere since the server reopened around a year a go.


P.S My spelling and grammar is terrible, MY B. I will sticky this thread for a few days to make sure people can see this.

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