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Jailbreak Unban Request


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1. Your in-game name: -hg- Loxxlie

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin: RedDevil

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:17600143

5. Reason for ban: Hey. I just started playing Jailbreak today and one of the most enjoyable (but most confusing) servers I've ever been on. I played my first rounds ever as CT and I feel like I've only been killing people who are disobeying orders. However some people said that they think I freekilled them so I killed myself at the beginning of the following round as per the rules. It happened maybe 2-3 times. However, the last time lead called all T's go to the knife chamber, and he had a very poor mic and I though he said the "top of the box". There were T's standing near the entrance (Almost entire team was on the grey box) and I saw some CT's shooting at the walls behind them, so I shot at them too. I killed 2 people and got instantly banned. In retrospect I might have heard someone other than the leader yell "top of the box" but so many people we talking over each other and it was very hard to make anything out. I've never meant to purposefully kill anyone who was obeying the rules. If I get unbanned I will only play on T's for a good amount of time until I understand the game better.


Also, I never got a warning. If I had I would have switched to T right away to avoid accidents/misunderstandings.

Edited by Nevodka
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You were banned and subsequently unbanned by RedDevil for freekilling. In any case, you're unbanned now.


Order was to freeze on arrival 2 guys did that and rest of ts got on top of tombstone, so someone shot there and then you fked 2 people who were following order.


You are tlisted for 7 days.


On other note be active in ts3, you must be in ts3 when you are in game.

Edited by RedDevil6193
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