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Admin abuse


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1. Your in-game name: Mclovin - juvenile punk[lj23]

2. Server that you where banned on: HnS

3. The Banning admin: Reindeer

4. Your Steam-Id STEAM_0:0:19414685

5. Reason for ban: Admin thought i was hacking. I will explain the situation into further detail due to how unfair this ban was. I was basically walking around looking for unusual objects etc and what do you know i see something in the corner. i flash my flashlight on it to get a better look and i see the tip of a duelie. Basically he calls me hacking when i didnt even shot or pinpoint his exact location. If he had not of moved i would not guess he was hiding there. Also this admin is always called a hacker by other players because no T's ever survive with him as CT. Im kind of mad cause im always playing this server and i have learned most of the maps etc. I dont get how a admin would make a pompous idiotic mistake by undermining my reputation as a server contributor. Also faerne can back me up that im a legit player cause he is always spectating the other players etc. Im also in the top 3 in the server which means i basically know all the maps, hiding spots etc. I hope you guys get to the bottom of this.

Edited by Mclovinbear
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1. He doesn't abuse his admin. You were banned because he thought that you were hacking. He had a reason. He might only had a bad call on your hacking. But that's about it, not abusing.


2. This is not an abusing forum, It's an unban request forum.


3. Calling admins idiot will not make your case go any faster. Please don't come here with a pissed-off attitude. Your ban might stay longer with this kind of attitude. You're on the top5, that doesn't mean you're not hacking. FYI, I got a lot of top20 players banned in D2DM.


4. You might only get banned for 2 hours. If it's perm ban, he (admin) has to come here and post us the proof, otherwise the ban will be lifted in 24 hours. So be good and patience.

Edited by BuLLeTz_FrEaK
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