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Driving Blacklist Appeal


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1. Your in-game name: Donny Smith (Cromyth)

2. Server that you were blacklisted on: PERP

3. The Blacklisting admin: HG | DirtyDNA [A]

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:15736920

5. Reason for blacklist: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/72410-Ban-Request-Donny-Smith-CDM


Alright, at least let me explain what was going on. So, we decided to raid industrial (Necessary Evil org), before we even got to do anything we were swarmed by police and a shootout began. I don't know how the cops reacted so fast in the first place seeing how we killed them moments ago at the lakehouses, regardless I was eventually arrested and waited out the time limit. After I was released I got into my car and drove back to find my org members being arrested and chased around. I see Neko Cat getting chased by numerous cops and I found myself in a bad position. I either let her get arrested, or stop the cops, if I let her get arrested I would most likely get kicked from the org. I had no more ammo on me and the only thing I could do was use my car. I followed them around and waited for the moment they werent paying attention and ran them over. Yes that is CDM but I don't understand how pulling out a gun and shooting them would have been aby better. They would have died regardless. Neko got arrested despite my efforts. If this is not a valid excuse I'm sorry, it is what it is.


Edit: It is 24 hour blacklist, I can sit it out of need be, however I'd like to contest it.

Edited by Cromyth
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