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admin abuse ban???


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1. Your in-game name: synC


2. Server that you were banned on: HG-10man


3. The Banning admin: Vao


4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:23625123


5. Reason for ban: Admin abuse. I was trying to find a sub to take my spot at the beginning of the 10man because rudabaga stacked the teams horribly and then the beginning of second round starts and vao bans for the reason "breaking server rules" when i have done nothing wrong. I was trying to find a sub to take my spot for the first round, that's why i was afk.


If anything rudabaga should get in trouble. he broke rule 16. 16. KEEP TEAMS FAIR, we want it to be fun for everyone. Not just the stacked team.


maybe a couple admins should review the rules?



Edited by SyNc
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This is completely invalid. The teams were picked, maybe a little stacked but definitely not the worst ive seen, SyNc starts complaining saying hes going to get a sub just as soon as we join and LO3 basically. Delaying the whole game, he then goes AFK for a nice amount of time, getting a sub doesn't take 5 minutes or so of being AFK. I then decide to ban SyNc (Which was ment to be for a hour and i requested it to be changed in staff chat afterwards, uppers wanted it increased) and then literally seconds later he PM's me asking why he's been banned. It was completely obvious he was purposely delaying the rounds. Within this whole situation Rudabaga hoped into the 10man waiting channel and managed to get 2 or so subs within a minute or so.



Like I said, It was meant to be a hour ban, but uppers disagreed.


This ban was warranted half for delaying the 10man, and half for pretty much ruining it as a whole. Which in my opinion deserved a hour ban. (Also keeping in mind SyNc's vast history)

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Vao i was only afk for 1 round. i was actually the first one to die because they rushed spawn. i didn't delay any rounds. 2nd round starts, i rush cat and you ban me before i can even get there. I was pming people on steam i didnt go into the waiting room, i probably should of done that but only skank was in there and hes banned and prius has me muted. and why should my ban time be increased???? i did nothing wrong. I am very upset and excuse me but this is bullshit!!

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Before we were even out of our spawn on the first round people were saying you were AFK, I'm happy with unbanning you as long as this shit doesn't happen (Because it was blatantly fucking obvious you we're being a asshole) but it's in uppers hands now really.

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sync said "Don't live it I'm getting a sub", he was there and we didnt want to delay the 10man considering people had to leave after, so Vao lived it anyways


he then proceeded to go "take a piss" (thats what he told his team in teamspeak, AFTER he was banned) and thats why he was "afk".


sync and Romeo were complaining even before Romeo picked the map, and then once we switched maps it got worse


rudabaga has screenshots of the entire console logs btw



thanks for deleting post enigma :)




And feb why are you here this doesnt concern you? i never went to go take a piss i was looking for someone to take my spot, i wonder who told you that.


I'm here to confirm what you did, and your team told us that. Digi said that, Romeo said that, and Mailman said that. We have logs to back that up.

Edited by FEBRUARY
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Ok, it wont happen again. i dont know if your going to unban me or make me wait it out but i was trying to find a sub, digi was supposed to be my sub but our 5th just left without even finding a sub. i think it was AJ or something.


And feb why are you here this doesnt concern you? i never went to go take a piss i was looking for someone to take my spot, i wonder who told you that.


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I'm tired of peoples behaviour, saying shit like "Oh im gonna get a sub" as soon as the 10man starts, or players throwing nades under each other and other things, basically not even trying to play just due to the teams. It happens to everyone, and people should at-least attempt to play or get a sub when you're dead, not at the beginning of a fucking round and then go AFK for 5 minutes. At the end of the day I wasted probably around 30-50 minutes of my time just due to people complaining and crying about the whole situation. Like I said I'm happy for you to be unbanned, but people should really fucking grow up.

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