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Runes Of Magic / What ya Guys Think?


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Hey thare guys, some of you know, most dont.

ive been in this clan before as a member, and am currently awaiting my re-membering?(not a word)

anyway. ive found that one of the reasons that i left that time, is that i really couldnt find a game division in the clan to really stick in.

i know from talking to people that this is a problem of why alot of people come and go in less than a year.

so heres the thing: i have about a year left of my gaming life before i join into the USMC(hoorah)

and i would like this year to help start something with HG, like maybe a new section of the mmo division.

im a runes of magic veteran, i havent played in awhile, so im getting caught up in the new economy of the game and all that junk.

Runes of magic is a F2P MMO, similar to WoW. it has guild systems and alot of unique features that i enjoy alot. there are diamonds(item shop currency) that you can buy and use for items that require a little bit extra to be aquired. diamonds can also be sold ingame for ingame gold, so anybody can get item shop items. it is not a pay 2 win game, and you can get all to the way to the end of the game without paying a cent. (i bought a mount because i just hate running everywhere, and its quicker)

i think this is a good game that HG can get into, and make a bigger, more stable community out of itself. its also a good game for us cheap fucks.

please reply to this and tell me what you think.

i am willing to help out the developement of this (hopefully) future project. i have knoweledge of the game and of how to run shit like this(did it before, worked pretty well.)

here is a link to the official website of the game: http://us.runesofmagic.com/us/

What ya guys/gals think?

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