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Unban Request: Menno Kapila (MisterMunchie)


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1. Your in-game name: Menno Kapila

2. Server that you were banned on: PERP Lite

3. The Banning admin: Darkwing Duck

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:28419628

5. Reason for ban: I killed someone outside of a person's house (who was lockpicking it and had a shotgun), hoping to counter-raid.


I am not sure if that breaks any rules. But then, I am about to get out a lockpick to break in when I hear AKs, so I run. And, this may sound sketchy, but, I decided to just make friends with the guy inside. I didn't want to get killed, since I knew I was outgunned and maybe outmanned. I could give the guy back his weapons. I didn't see any rules regarding counter-raiding so I was unsure at the time. I will gladly take the ban if it violates something. I just request that the rule I broke would be pointed out.


Thanks for reading!

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