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Unblacklist request


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1. Your in-game name: Illegal Ryan

2. Server that you were blacklisted on: PERP

3. The Blacklisting admin:HG | zj6090

4. Your Steam-Id:STEAM_0:0:40541507

5. Reason for blacklist:"random taze"


Tyner is in jail for a reson that I have forgotten. This was not a random taze because this was a nessacay action to apprehend him withouse shooting him or running off. I tazed him severl times so that the police cheif could warrent him. He was well aware of what he was doing and what his actions would have caused for him.


Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041348742/screenshot/595849980628901180?tab=public

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