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The DarkRP Hunger Games


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Picture (Or description of picture): Hunger Games sign

What: A "hunger games" event in darkRP. Everyone starts off with knives to throw and mines or bombs of some sort (grenades) they will have spawnable things to make temporary "bases" out of. Food is hidden all around the map, and if you see someone, play it a little, like say "run" and give them 5 seconds then start throwing knives. Your objective is to be the last one standing.

Who: -hg-, [HG], HG |, [A], [M], [L], [dC], [C] (Basically -hg-+

Rules: All basic rules apply, except RDM, i.e no hacks, prop push, prop kill, etc.

Prizes (If you're having any): Maybe some darkRP cash

Extra Information (If neccessary): In the beginning, when prop is lifted from spawn, everyone gets 5 minutes to hide and make a base.

Person You Wish To Host Event(Blank if up for grabs): Me

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