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Looking for People - Warhammer 40k: Space Marine - Xbox 360


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Hey, I'm currently looking for some people to play Warhammer 40k: Space Marine's Multiplayer & Exterminatus with. Main reason I'm looking for people is the fact I want to be able to coordinate with the people I'm playing with. So if you have the game, and are interested in smashing Ork's and the forces of Chaos I'd be more than willing to team up with you!


GT: DurielCain


Answers to common questions following


Do you have a Mic: Yes I do

What time are you online: Varies depending on my work schedule, usually in the evenings

If I send you a friend invite on Live will you accept it: Yes I will, if I know where you are contacting me from. All you really need to do is send a message with 'Friend from HG' and I'll know.


I'm really just looking for some people to hang out with, I don't care if we win all the time. What really matters is that we have a good time while playing.

Edited by DurielCain
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