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Unblacklist request


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1. Your in-game name: Nightmare rivera

2. Server that you were blacklisted on: gmod perp

3. The Blacklisting admin: IDK

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:31929011

5. Reason for blacklist: Not sure he didnt even speak to me.


I was blacklisted from cop


(Apperantly i was not paying attention to the chat box as much as i thought. It was a misunderstanding im sorry for the stun soccer) Ill leave it up to the advirsor to unblacklist or not. <-----------------------------------------------


I got a alert that skyscaper was getting robbed police requested i get there and there is a man holding a shot gun and his buddy was lockpicking. So I hit my binding witch is \ on my keybored "[][][] Put away your wepon!!![][][]" i said this 5 or 6 times. and all he did is stare and 100 other people were talking at once i cant hear anything. So when they shut up I Said in my mic "put away the shotgun or ill stun and arrest you!" Did not comply so i stunned him said on radio can i get a warrant on... then the blacklisting admin used his phy gun and through me all the way up and let me go. He did not say a word to me. and as soon as he saw the medic revive me i had 3 seconds before i was blacklisted.


Its a 12 hour blacklist But It just the fact of the matter If it was a 1 min blacklist I would still appeal it so It dosent go on my record.


also i confront with other cops is having a shotgun in public illgeal and they said yes he has to been indoors. he did not state why he had the shotgun out or that he lived anywhere in the area so it was clearly him raiding ive done nothing wrong to the best of my knowledge

Edited by Nightmare3353
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Actually, I did tell you that shotguns are legal on my own property. I can get the logs that show that. I told you multiple times that I am allowed to hold my weapon on my property over mic AND chat and you still decided to tase me. Might as well add that I was trying to kill the guy who was lockpicking my property, so next time actually check who owns the property instead of assuming that the owner of the property is hostile.

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Okay i did not know this and, it was next to impossible with 7-9 people outside all typing and chatting at once cold you plz next time pm me or take me aside and talk to me. It was a misunderstanding at best. Although that is a valid excuse, it dose not change the fact that I stunned you. And there is no need for the chat logs i believe you. Sorry for the stun.

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