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name: HG | WARlock (kirbys oni san)*sG

name of admin: unknown

server: jailhouse server




i am posting a request to be unbanned from hell games dervers, i was aquesed of hacking when i have not been, and if u are sketchy you can record as many demos as u wish on me till u are satistfied, i checked out the demo that was posted on your dust2 map and i was lagging horribly, it didnt even show me shooting anyone but shaking, i lag alot on that server averaging a ping of about 130, i really apritiate the time taken out to read this, if u have any questons please iether pm me or email me at [email protected]. like i said if it comes done to it i will submit to constant watch and monitering to get unbanned, i just love these servers and dont understand why this has happened, thank you in advance. please, i dont get to play that often and i would love to get back in the action as soon as i can, i will submit to anything needed to push this misunderstanding into the clearance. so if it isnt clear, i am begging you guys to please unban me and put me on probation i only want to play on two of ur servers, the minigames and jailhouse, and i am sorry for anyone i have annoyed, pissed, angered or tested

Edited by WARlock
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um i dont free kill i apologize about the tag, at least let my bro. play, he says he hasnt done anything, my acount has been hackes and steam is getting it back so just please unban him and let him on the server, u wont here from me agian on his account

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