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HexSpeak Gone Lulz xD


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tldr Microsoft (or someone at Microsoft) coding the HyperV software product decided to put some humour into their code.


If you're following the HyperV scene and Linux, Microsoft has been contributed a lot to the success of Linux interoperability with HyperV. Microsoft is in fact a contributor to the Linux Kernel.


This is the original code in question and a developer by the name of Paolo Bonzini, noticed this inconsistency when using git's rename detection.

+#define HV_LINUX_GUEST_ID_LO        0x00000000
+#define HV_LINUX_GUEST_ID_HI        0xB16B00B5
+#define HV_LINUX_GUEST_ID        (((u64)HV_LINUX_GUEST_ID_HI << 32) | \
+                       HV_LINUX_GUEST_ID_LO)


If you look at line two and understand a bit of hexspeak, you can interpret 0xB16B00B5 as 0xBIGBOOBS.


Obviously it was supposed to be funny but apparently people in the dev community got butthurt and wanted Microsoft to change it... now they're patching it and apologised to the general public for it.


A few more interesting hexspeak for you silly guys and gals out there:


Silly C# ones xD

#define HV_XENLINUX_GUEST_ID_LO 0x002B411S
#define HV_XENLINUX_GUEST_ID_HI 0x0B00B135 /* #1 */
#define HV_LINUX_GUEST_ID_LO 0xB16BA115
#define HV_LINUX_GUEST_ID_HI 0xB16B00B5 /* #2 */


Anyways, what are your thoughts and reactions to it? Are they truly being sexist or is this just an innocent :cheesy: joke?





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