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Blacklisted from Driving Enix Strife


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https://hellsgamers.com/threads/73262-RDM-CDM-%28Enix-Strife%29?highlight=blacklist+enix <--- the thread that got me blacklisted

1. Your in-game name: Enix Strife

2. Server that you were blacklisted on: Gmod PERP Lite

3. The Blacklisting admin: HG | zj6090 [M]

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:53267777

5. Reason for blacklist: "CDMing purposely" If you take a moment to look at the demo posted in the link above you can see when I accidently run over the mayor and some other person. At around 85000 ticks thats when you see me back into the mayor and kill him and someone else. I had no intentions of running these people over as you can even see in the demo as soon as I hit them I stop my vehicle and get out and crouch on the ground, at this time I was talking through my mic saying it was an accident before I was arrested by Shoubaka. Also I'd like to point out right at the very last ticks of the video you see him ticket me, this is what I've been going through all day with him. He would randomly arrest warrant me for running a red light even though I would stop right after to take the ticket. He would ticket me then warrant me and arrest me. But, what i'm trying to get at is it was an accident that the mayor was even run over I was warranted and at this time I don't even know why. So I went to back up to make a u-turn to get out of the city, I normally drive in first person so I did not check my rear view mirror. I am sorry for what happened I really did not mean to run over the mayor or anyone else I just didn't want to spend another 300 seconds in jail.

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