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Apologies from Dimentio.


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Hello, you may know me as D1mentio, the person who raged the other day making a hate speech about several HellsGamers Staff, well I would like to apologize for that stunt. I am not doing this for the sake of me being un banned from any HG server, but for the sake of getting my community (pRp) un banned from this community as they enjoy all HellsGamers servers. I would like to apologize to the following people I may have put in my previous hate speech.



DirtyDNA- I apologize for the rage on TeamSpeak, and the rage on here and all other places I may have attempted to troll you, just got pissed off about something I would not like to discuss in this thread. Sorry.


Kigen- I would like to say that, all things I may have said about you are not true, you are in fact a great coder (so is soccer :P). Sorry.


Homer- Well, I would like to say, if this wasn't a great community, it would have died by now, but got to admit there are some people who abuse admin (mostly paid admins of course.), but most are just fine. Sorry.


Awsome Waffles- Not sure what you have done to me, barely even know you. Sorry.


Zj6090- I fuxing luv u.


And all other HG members I may have offended.

I assure you this will never ever happen again, and I would love to get another chance for my community. Again, sorry.

Thank you,





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