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DirtyDNA admin abuse


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1. Abuser name: DirtyDNA

2. Their Steam Id:Cannot find it

3. What server: Perp lite

4. About what time: 6:45 july 22

5. PROOF:http://i.imgur.com/RNZd1.png

6. Please tell us about the incident: Well i join into the PERP lite server garrys mod, And i see this admin not helping his Fellow players More like arguing hes being really unhelpful and he kicks me for saying to him "Im not 3 im 17" I think this admin is not helpful at all.hes not doing his job,disrespecting alot of players,not helping and arugeing. mostly the arugement was about shoukkbak abusing police cheif and he took no action in doing anything 7+ people complain in the OOC and he did nothing


Also im Mr.blue


i would of post more but i kept getting that red error " too many vortex or something"

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I was only taking action about the 2-3 people bitching about our admins over OOC all u were doing was complaining i gave you many warnings to stop. but all u said was wow Grove street and boondocks can do what they want cuz they have admins. I asked you to stop plenty of time, and u wouldnt so i kicked u. plus i dont think u can chop up everything to only show where i kicked u, how about u show where i said stop or i will kick u? and then u kept going.


I did spectate shoubakka when u said this and there was nothing.

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You never told me to stop you told anti/loweisk to stop. so i started to talk back once and i got kicked and i try to make you actually help them but you still disrespected alot of players including my self

I was only taking action about the 2-3 people bitching about our admins over OOC all u were doing was complaining i gave you many warnings to stop. but all u said was wow Grove street and boondocks can do what they want cuz they have admins. I asked you to stop plenty of time, and u wouldnt so i kicked u. plus i dont think u can chop up everything to only show where i kicked u, how about u show where i said stop or i will kick u? and then u kept going.


I did spectate shoubakka when u said this and there was nothing.

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Okay, I can see the issue here.


If you really think someone was abusing police chief that's fine, DirtyDNA said he didn't see anything suspicious so he moved on.


It sounds like as though you disagreed and went further with it, and he had said to stop complaining.


I also understand that you accused another admin of RDMing... get some proof next time if you believe it is and follow the standard procedure: make a ban request with all your proof.




You got kicked based on your report and there isn't anything wrong necessarily with being kicked if you were multiple times to pipe down. If you didn't hear it, that's fine. Some communication would have been helpful because I'm sure it didn't have to go down this way had you two talked clearly.


I agree that the kick reason was unreasonable and I talked to DirtyDNA about it. Based on the circumstances, mouthing off further didn't help the situation either.


That being said, you don't have anything substantiating other than some circumstantial console screenshots.


If an admin deems it that someone isn't breaking the rules and you disagree, you don't go and exacerbate the issue, that is a completely idiotic, immature thing to do.

You find another admin and you get them to look at it or contact a DL.


Case closed, stop being immature and learn to talk like a human being.

Edited by enigma#
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