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Something I don't understand in all of our MOTD's


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So I was looking at some of the MOTD's, and noticed this one rule that caught my eye, it says the following:


"No sexual harassment towards female players"


Now hold up, if there is a rule forbidding sexual harassment towards female players, why is there not a rule forbidding sexual harassment towards MALE players?


Now, I don't think our leadership are undercover females that actually attend occult female groups dedicated to opposing/harassing men or whatnot (at least I hope not), but was this rule made without this going through anyones head?


What do you guys think HG?

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So I was looking at some of the MOTD's, and noticed this one rule that caught my eye, it says the following:


"No sexual harassment towards female players"


Now hold up, if there is a rule forbidding sexual harassment towards female players, why is there not a rule forbidding sexual harassment towards MALE players?


Now, I don't think our leadership are undercover females that actually attend occult female groups dedicated to opposing/harassing men or whatnot (at least I hope not), but was this rule made without this going through anyones head?


What do you guys think HG?




Pic related


in serious mode, let's break down your argument/question.


if there is a rule forbidding sexual harassment towards female players, why is there not a rule forbidding sexual harassment towards MALE players?


Why would there be a need for one? Are male players being harassed sexually?


Chances are there are people who do it... do they complain?


No, that's probably why it isn't added on.


In the timeframe I've been here, there hasn't been a significant complaint of 'sexual harassment' against male players. However, there have been complaints beforehand of it with female players and in reference to the comic, that's probably why it was made.


This rule was made to reduce that issue.


I figured that after what Watermelon Jackson said someone would have the daring nerve to incite more drama by making a thread about this rule so let's clarify this before it gets derailed.


1. This rule is not implicitly or explicitly sexist. It was deemed at that time necessary because of the issues female players had at that time.


2. A la xkcd, males, due to their more impulsive natures, will probably say something stupid as the person did in the comic. That being said, not all males are like that.


3. The frequency of female sexual harassment towards males is significantly less than male sexual harassment towards females or males.


4. Rules are made based on the assessed needs at the time, they don't have a specific political or psychosocial belief/feeling behind it.


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Yeah, what's wrong with being sexually harassed, speaking of which, Poohunter, why don't you come sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up
Fucking. Genius. Also:


"I figured that after what Watermelon Jackson said someone would have the daring nerve to incite more drama by making a thread about this rule so let's clarify this before it gets derailed."


I would like to say my entire rant was recorded out of context with no beginning or resolution being recorded, and was posted in a libelous manner without my knowledge. It's not inciting drama to be able to discuss something, it's a forum after all? Inciting drama is defamation towards someone or trying to troll, I was serious in my response on that thread and then it was deleted and locked (they said their piece but I gotta sit idle by and stay quiet?). I won't lie it disappoints me to know that any controversial issues or hot topics are forbidden from this forum due to "drama". Get me a llama.

Edited by Watermelon Jackson
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Fucking. Genius. Also:


"I figured that after what Watermelon Jackson said someone would have the daring nerve to incite more drama by making a thread about this rule so let's clarify this before it gets derailed."


I would like to say my entire rant was recorded out of context with no beginning or resolution being recorded, and was posted in a libelous manner without my knowledge. It's not inciting drama to be able to discuss something, it's a forum after all? Inciting drama is defamation towards someone or trying to troll, I was serious in my response on that thread and then it was deleted and locked (they said their piece but I gotta sit idle by and stay quiet?). I won't lie it disappoints me to know that any controversial issues or hot topics are forbidden from this forum due to "drama". Get me a llama.






These were the premises of what I was saying:

A = What you said in your thread

B = what he's trying to say in this thread


B ⊆ A

A ⊂ B


Since B =/= A in this thread, I'm not sure why it's being taken so negatively.


Since A ⊂ B, we know that A will not be equivocal to B, and since B is a subset of A (there are many similarities to what is being said), then all I'm stating is... What you said, had a relationship/correlation to why this thread exists.


I'm not trying to attack or derail what you said before. We do however not encourage controversial topics being discussed on grounds that it becomes a flame war between two sides that will not let go. Opinons are okay to have just don't do it for the sake of attention, and ego-stroking/boosting.


Note: personally I'm fine with talking about it but not in the general thread. [h=2]In regards to inciting drama, (this is my personal definition)[/h]this means purposely making threads/discussions about situations that would either try to provoke an extremely negative reaction from the general public or convolute a simple situation.

That being said, there's a difference between joking around and taking it too far. (this is just an instance and doesn't necessarily apply)

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