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Seeking Admin Answers for Garry's Mod PERP Lite


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Recently I have been playing as a SWAT Officer. Originally I thought SWAT Officers and Secret Service were the only two types of people aloud to protect the Mayor, this was told to me by a couple of Admins in the past. When playing PERP this morning I had an admin tell me to stop "camping" the mayor and that it is against the rules. I believe it was Mark who told me to stop guarding the mayor so I stopped instantly and told him I thought SWAT officers were aloud to guard the mayor and I apologized for guarding him. I played the majority of what was left of that morning only responding to specific calls for SWAT in fear that I would be blacklisted for breaking the rules unintentionally. I then was told by multiple fellow SWAT that afternoon that I was dumb for only going to places I was asked to go to and for not patrolling around as SWAT. I asked other people in OOC if I could patrol as SWAT and everyone said it was okay to patrol around as a SWAT, (I don't believe it was any admins that answered this question though, just highly active members). So I began patrolling around and nobody said anything to me for the rest of the afternoon. Until tonight when I as in the Nexus garage walking in as a gang was circled around a group of dead bodies with Illegal weapons, As I asked them to remove their weapons an Admin picked me up and proceeded to tell me that I could not do that and that I can not do anything to stop "petty" crimes. I asked him what I could do as SWAT and he said SWAT may only respond to burglary calls that require you to enter a building. At this point I don't really know what I CAN do as SWAT and I am afraid to further play as SWAT in fear of being blacklisted by an admin or ban requested on the forum. I really don't think all of the admins have the same idea of the rules of SWAT and I just wanted to have the rules cleared up with answers that all the admins agree'd upon. As I asked for an admin's assistance in this matter I was ignored, even though it was not even 5 minutes after I was yelled at by the admin in nexus garage. Asking this question in OOC sparked a few other player's interests. They all agree'd and wanted answers on what SWAT could do or not do. One other player even said he stopped playing SWAT because he didn't know the rules clearly. I don't have the name of the admin who yelled at me for defending the police garage because I don't remember it. The reason for this forum post is that I would like to have a clear list of rules of what I CAN and CANT do as SWAT, a list that I can refer anyone to if they ever argue with me on it. I was not banned or blacklisted for breaking the rules, I just want to prevent this from happening to me unintentionally. Thank you for reading this long post and taking the time to give me an answer.


~TwoShiv (PERP Lite name: Two Shiv)

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Swat is meant for breaching only. Theyre not supposed to ride with cops or protect the mayor. If the mayors life is in danger they may come to assist but only to protect temporarily to take care of any threat.

They can respond to burglary alarms and specific calls for swat along with bank robberys. Really thats all theyre supposed to do but sometimes i dont care if swat rides with police because itd be so damn boring to do absolutely nothing.


If you go swat and there just isnt shit to do hop in a cop car but dont run around constantly. Only try to get out if someone has a weapon etc.

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