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Blacklisted from police


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https://hellsgamers.com/threads/73930-GMOD-Ban-Request-Roman-Drago-Linda-Shalone-Enix-Strife-Acco-You thread that banned us


1. Your in-game name: Enix Strife

2. Server that you were blacklisted on: Perp

3. The Blacklisting admin: Darkwing Duck

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:53267777

5. Reason for blacklist: "You can see at 76,000 ticks that the cops show up and warrant industrial warehouse for having drugs and it went through whoever wrote it didn't ask why or if it was visible. "

We didn't go to the warehouse because we saw drugs through the wall, a medic Rengo Lera was talking on mic and in the government radio about how he went to revive someone and he saw plants inside of the house when THEY LET HIM IN. Why we're all being blacklisted I have no idea, I was called out there to go and assist them in searching the property. Also I would like to saw that were no drugs visible through the walls of the building. If you redownload the demo in the thread that you reviewed to ban us at about 56000 ticks you can see the medic enter the building to revive someone, where the person recording is upstairs he picks up his drug plant and goes to move it, as he looks down you can see the medic "Rengo "Lera" clearly sees the plant. After he left the building he told us that they had drugs in the warehouse. This wasn't a random warrant, we had reason for it and no one even saw drugs sticking through the walls...

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You can not take hearsay of a medic with regards to a report. Your job as a police officer is to investigate it yourself, prior to requesting a warrant. The people who lived in warehouse specifically told you, you can not warrant this place. You are just as much at fault as every other cop there for going into his residence with a falsified warrant. Please wait out your 24 hour blacklist.

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