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Any suggestions on a Taric build. I find the ones from solomid to be helpful earlygame but the endgame builds dont seem to be decent.

Generally I end up building into ninja tabi and some heavy armour to reduce physical damage taken, If they team is more AP stacked i will stack Magic Resist ofc.

Im just looking for item builds to be honest. Usually when im taking my skills i just go qwe then max q because i like to have my stun and armour up whilst having the survivability with my heals.My stun helps me give my AD carry some kills and get me some assist gold.


My usual starting build is Faerie Charm,--->Build into Philosophers stone

Sight ward x2

Vision ward x1

Healing potion x1

Then I begin to take like any support gold giving items. I tend to stay away from kage's pick ( i think its called) and I go for heart of gold and philosophers stone. Situationally I go ninja tabi or Mercuarys treads , If against high AD teams Tabi , and high CC teams Treads. This is where my build tends to fall off . This is where I need your help. Post some nice items that I could build next.


Edited by PerryThePlatypus
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after your 2 GP5 items i'd do boots 2 then



fheart (if against a lot of AA champs)/randuin's/zeke's (if your team is reliant on a lot of AA champs) general tanky/support items, its not too hard.

also depending on who you're laning against or who you're laning with, consider maxing w first instead of Q. I know i like doing w first when i have a graves or sivir for max rape with the armor shred from his W and their q's.

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One point in q is enough. It has an absurdly high heal for a rank 1 spell. Mac w first then q second with an early point in e (usually level 1). As far as items... Aegis, shurelyas, froheart, and zekes are all decent. I'd explain more but God doesn't sleep and neither does what He's doing out here.

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Runes : Armor Reds, Armor Yellows, Flat Mr Blues, GP5 quints

Masteries : 0/9/21 or 0/21/9 depending if your team needs a tank or not


Items: I usually start with Faerie Charm and 4 wards + 1 pot but if they have someone like blitz or leona who start with boots and 1 ward i would suggest buying Faerie Charm, 2 wards and 1 pink ward. (Try to predict where he will ward then take it out with your pink and inform your jungler that its not warded.)


Philosopher ------> OR Randuin%27s_Omen.gif------> Rylai%27s_Crystal_Scepter.gif


ALWAYS : Sight_Ward.gifSight_Ward.gifSight_Ward.gifSight_Ward.gif

Edited by VeN
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