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The Ultimate Job Guide

Original Gangster

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PERP allows players to explore and enjoy jobs in a fun environment. Jobs, aside from growing drugs, are the best sources of income for players. Depending on the income tax and payment levels set by the mayor, players will recieve a wide range of payments.


Available Jobs

Mayor (0 Hours)


Secret Service (8 Hours)


Police Officer (24 Hours)


SWAT (48 Hours & 'Officer' level cop)


Paramedic (4 Hours)


Fireman (4 Hours)


GOLD Roadcrew Worker (48 Hours)


GOLD Police Chief (168 Hours)



Job Roles


Mayor - The job of the mayor is to manage city funds by manipulating taxes, wages, and vehicles. As the mayor you will also be given the ability to warrant citizens and demote government employees. These are serious responsibilities and must be used with caution. The mayor needs to understand what is happening with the citizen before issuing an arrest warrant, and knowing what the worker is doing before demoting. Fail warrenting/demoting will result in demotion/blacklisting from mayor. Remember that being the mayor is a dangerous job, as upsetting the public will bring assassination attempts, surround yourself with Secret Service and possibly SWAT. You may sign up for mayor by speaking to the lady in the nexus.


Secret Service - The secret service members are incharge of protecting and transporting the mayor. They must be with the mayor at all times. You may sign up for Secret Service by speaking to the lady in the Nexus.


Police Officer - As a police officer you are expected to patrol throughout the map. You are to enforce speed limits and respond to 911 calls. You will be given a taser, a police baton, a handgun, handcuffs, and road-spikes and a ticket-giver. The taser is to be used only as a substitute for the handgun, meaning you should only use it when no lethal force is given. Road-spikes are to be used to stop a criminal running from the police. An officer may not place roadspikes under a stopped car. As an officer, if you have an RP reason to do so, you may call in an arrest warrent to the mayor, if accepted you will then be able to use the battering ram to break down the criminal's door (vehicles too!). Handcuffs are only to be used on people you plan to arrest. They must be removed when the criminal is placed into a cell. Police officers can never protect the mayor unless there is an immediate threat against his life. You may become a police officer below the Nexus.


SWAT - A SWAT member does not have the same freedoms as the police officer. They may not patrol, and can only go out during a 911 call. SWAT members can protect the mayor if he asks. You will be given a handgun, taser, heavy-armor and an MP5. You may sign up for SWAT below the Nexus.


Police Chief - Read Police Officer. As a Police Chief however, you are given the ability to give citizen's warrants by pressing F3 on your keyboard. Become a Police Chief below the Nexus.


Paramedic - Paramedics are expected to respond to Life Alerts and 911 calls. They are given a defibrillator to revive unconcious people, and a health kit to heal anyone. Paramedics shouldn't patrol, they should wait for a call, then return after you are done. You may become a Paramedic at the hospital.


Fireman - As a fireman you will respond to calls related to fires. While near a fire hydrant/the firetruck, you may use the hose which will extinguish fires faster than the fire extinguisher. You should not patrol looking for fires, however, if you are returning from a call and see another fire, you may stop and extinguish it. Fireman signups are up the street from spawn.


Road-crew Worker - Roadcrew workers are used to keep streets clean of random cars. Illegally parked cars may be towed, but only after permission from a police officer to verify that it is indeed fail parked. Road-crew workers can respond to calls and patrol. Road-crew can also fix peoples cars using the bat. Road-crew signups are located a east of the MTL tollgates in industrial. Roadcrew is GOLD only.






1. All government workers are expected to follow speedlimits and other road laws. When responding to a call, units with lights and sirens on can exceed the speedlimit, but should remain on their side of the road and not endanger pedestrians.


2. Government workers can, and will, be demoted and possibly blacklisted if they abuse their jobs. Use /report if you see a government worker abusing.


3. Vehicles for jobs that have them may be recieved from the same NPC that gave you your job. Depending on what the mayor has set a job may or may not have enough vehicles for the number of employees.


4. Remember as a cop not to NLR and return to a situation in which you died in. It is tempting to run back into a situation if it is right outside, or even inside of the Nexus, however you must remove yourself from the area.



Original Gangster

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