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USA 100% critz orange server


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Just wanted to say after tonight game me and a few others will not return to the server. We have asked to take out the no-clip and make it so spys don't just spawn kill.


We were locked in the spawn for nearly 2 hours they were on both roofs and had us pinned. makes for a shitty game. it caused the server to empty out.


Hells asks us what we want, but yet they don't take our suggestions. The no-clip and the spys sitting in spawn gets old real quick. I myself won't be comming back, others I have spoken with said the same thing. The server used to be fun now its not.


I can only make suggestions and request, but if nothing changes no need to stick around. I was trying to make the orange server my main server, I have brought quite a few people over to it, they won't even go back. There are a couple of other orange servers out their not just Hells.


I would serious think about putting it back to normal before you have no one.


I've said my peace...



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