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Serious PERP RPs are unrealistic and stupid.


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Okay, let's say I'm playing our Lite PERP RP. Necessary Evil (Org I'm in) Plans on raiding... idk... PoopClan. PoopClan is based at Suburbs House 5. A PC soldier is guarding the road to warn his clan of any suspicious activity. I sneak up when he's not looking, and pull out a pistol, I go right behind him, and kill him. This confuses the PoopClan inside, wondering where that gunshot came from, as they hear him moan, Necessary Evil breaches the door, the door flies off and NE walks in with automatics and guns down the stunned enemies. They make 5k in drugs they steal and molly the base to destroy the props. They leave, happy and victorious, PoopClan knows not to mess with Necessary Evil.


Now time for the serious PERP RP. The guard is watching the road, I sneak up, and 5 feet away I draw out my gun. In big red letters appear on his screen saying : "Jimmy draws out a Glock from his holster, he then pulls out a clip from his pocket and slides it into the gun, and cocks it back, and flicks off the safety." The guard reads this, and before I can get close enough for the shot, he turns around and kills me, he alerts his clan off enemies, Necessary Evil wonders if that's my gunshot they heard, they rush out to be met with automatics. PoopClan is victorious, all because of the text telling everyone from a 10 foot radius EVEN if there not looking or suspect him, that there is a enemy right there.


See how unrealistic that was? I mean other parts are realistic, but this is just... Plain god awful. Hellsgamers, PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A SERIOUS PERP SERVER! If you do, don't have that bullcrap right there that I just mentioned. It's funny how because of that, PERP lite is more realistic then Serious Perp.

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Serious Perp RPs are run by dedicated roleplayers. If it was a serious PERP RP you wouldn't fire on him immediately you'd use him to your advantage. Killing is always a last resort and a gun shot is signal enough for the rest of the gang to notice. If your issue with Serious PERP RP is that when you say that it warns them and gives them a change to react then you obviously don't understand that they just broke the biggest rule in Serious RP which is typography. You were in the right to type out what you were doing and he was wrong to just shoot; real PERP RP would have been him either attempting to react or giving up and putting his hands in the air.


tl;dr don't worry about it, we're not going to.

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Wow, never really thought of that. Hmph, I'm happy with our Perp. Even IF it was Serious I still will be, we have the best most organized Perp in the history of all perpkind. It's mostly our admins though, I love you guys! <3 Even though I got in trouble for RDM the other day (Didn't even know it was RDM, I was scared D: )

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Theres in my opinion 4 tiers of RP servers (This isnt necesseryly for PERP, but for some different games)


No RP-

There are no role play involved in these servers, pretty self explanatory and it's not really relevant right now to my point.


Light RP-

Minimum RP required, self explanatory, not relevant right now.


Medium RP-

This is were things get a bit complicated. OOC and IC are quite important here and some RP is required, most servers have a rule like "You dont need to get serious until someone elses gets serious with you" meaning you don't need to roleplay AMAZINGLY until someone comes up and starts to RP with you. Medium RP servers are the most popular with RP games like SA-MP, ARMA 2 and others. Not really with PERP though due to PERP being limited with the ability to RP. Medium RP do not require players to roleplay every sequence you make, killing a player would be as easy as just walking up and killing for a IC reason. People do like to roleplay these sequences though, like Hitmen or other things for fun. But theres a rule called "Power gaming" so if someone comes up to you and does /me take his weapon from the side and places it onto the back of John_Doe's head he cant go /me does a backflip and kicks John_Smiths face in runs away. Thats forcing RP, thus powergaming.


Serious RP-

A lot of people who have never really played a Serious RP server think of it as a place where serious RP is required AT ALL TIMES. People think to kill someone you need to use /me commands for everything. This is not true at all, for 90% servers all it would require is for you to pick up a weapon. For example /me opens his trunk from the car, /me takes his uzi out of the trunk along with a clip, /me places the clip and loads the weapon and then it can result in them killing the player. Some people will roleplay with /me's but there's power gaming rules forcing them to abide and RP with the player. So roleplaying everything is optional. Like what Mark said, killing people is serious here, dying is a big deal and killing people is rare sometimes. But I've written this revolving on you HAVING to kill someone. I've played Serious RP servers, and they can actually be really fucking fun if you're up for doing rapid typing and some really interesting and unique things can happen every hour. Also remember this isn't just about you killing someone, you obviously need a IC reason behind it before killing anyone, that's for all of the categories I've listed really.


Most RP isn't even /me, its just talking to the player and treating him/her like you're actually taking their life.


Here's a video of a Hitman in a Medium RP server. Remember by server rules hitmen are required to RP as much as possible.



Edited by Vao
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Theres in my opinion 4 tiers of RP servers (This isnt necesseryly for PERP, but for some different games)


No RP-

There are no role play involved in these servers, pretty self explanatory and it's not really relevant right now to my point.


Light RP-

Minimum RP required, self explanatory, not relevant right now.


Medium RP-

This is were things get a bit complicated. OOC and IC are quite important here and some RP is required, most servers have a rule like "You dont need to get serious until someone elses gets serious with you" meaning you don't need to roleplay AMAZINGLY until someone comes up and starts to RP with you. Medium RP servers are the most popular with RP games like SA-MP, ARMA 2 and others. Not really with PERP though due to PERP being limited with the ability to RP. Medium RP do not require players to roleplay every sequence you make, killing a player would be as easy as just walking up and killing for a IC reason. People do like to roleplay these sequences though, like Hitmen or other things for fun. But theres a rule called "Power gaming" so if someone comes up to you and does /me take his weapon from the side and places it onto the back of John_Doe's head he cant go /me does a backflip and kicks John_Smiths face in runs away. Thats forcing RP, thus powergaming.


Serious RP-

A lot of people who have never really played a Serious RP server think of it as a place where serious RP is required AT ALL TIMES. People think to kill someone you need to use /me commands for everything. This is not true at all, for 90% servers all it would require is for you to pick up a weapon. For example /me opens his trunk from the car, /me takes his uzi out of the trunk along with a clip, /me places the clip and loads the weapon and then it can result in them killing the player. Some people will roleplay with /me's but there's power gaming rules forcing them to abide and RP with the player. So roleplaying everything is optional. Like what Mark said, killing people is serious here, dying is a big deal and killing people is rare sometimes. But I've written this revolving on you HAVING to kill someone. I've played Serious RP servers, and they can actually be really fucking fun if you're up for doing rapid typing and some really interesting and unique things can happen every hour. Also remember this isn't just about you killing someone, you obviously need a IC reason behind it before killing anyone, that's for all of the categories I've listed really.


Most RP isn't even /me, its just talking to the player and treating him/her like you're actually taking their life.


Here's a video of a Hitman in a Medium RP server. Remember by server rules hitmen are required to RP as much as possible.




Well said



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A week ago I discovered that our perp had a /roll feature, I thought it was to gamble or something, I found out in serious PERP, if I was to go "/me Strangles soccer." I would have to roll and he would have to roll, like Dungeons and Dragons (Brother plays it a lot) For examble:

**Jimmy strangles Soccer.*'

*Soccer rolls a 54*

*Jimmy rolls 42*

Thus meaning my attempt to strangle soccer failed, and soccer can then do

**Soccer throws Jimmy off and turns around and punches him*

*Jimmy rolls a 62*

*Soccer rolls a 2*

Then he would miss and I can attack him, and would this go forever till one of us dies?

And in /me form if it results in death does the winner like, punches the loser to death or something to actually make them die?

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A week ago I discovered that our perp had a /roll feature, I thought it was to gamble or something, I found out in serious PERP, if I was to go "/me Strangles soccer." I would have to roll and he would have to roll, like Dungeons and Dragons (Brother plays it a lot) For examble:

**Jimmy strangles Soccer.*'

*Soccer rolls a 54*

*Jimmy rolls 42*

Thus meaning my attempt to strangle soccer failed, and soccer can then do

**Soccer throws Jimmy off and turns around and punches him*

*Jimmy rolls a 62*

*Soccer rolls a 2*

Then he would miss and I can attack him, and would this go forever till one of us dies?

And in /me form if it results in death does the winner like, punches the loser to death or something to actually make them die?


Or you can base the success off of what situation the players are in, you don't just strangle someone with one /me. So if the player does /me places his hands around the players neck and the player is a small character then it would probably be successful. But if he put it around a army officer of a qualified officer then there could be a chance it would be unsuccessful using /do

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