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i need a visa gift card


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runescape gp, dont hate lol


So you want someone from this community to give you $1 on a visa gift card, so you can buy Runescape GP from some dodgy website, when Real World Trading is clearly against Jagex's Terms of Service/Term and Conditions/rules/whatever and can get your account perma banned?



Edited by Angel Descends
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yeah ik, im inly doing it because i got hacked and lost 10mil, 5mil is like $5 so im trying to grt it


Or instead of creating this thread in the hopes that someone will give you $1, you could just play RS and work back that money that you lost, assuming you're a member.


Farming and Herblore ftw, when I used to play anyway lol.

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I did fletching few months, was fast money and it leveled me up like mad.. I got 2 mill really fast.. while I never had over mill before (and thats bad cause my acct is like 8 years old lol, but I never had member before)


really though dont buy gps with irl money, you'll feel sucky about it at some point cause you cant be nearly as proud of your gps as you'd be if you'd earned it all back yourself :)

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