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Discounted Portal 2 anyone?


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Well it appears that I got a gift from some random place. Portal 2 75% off valid till the end of august. Since I already have the game I figure I should propose a little contest for the coupon. Using the random.org thingy. The rules are set.


1. Can't own it


2. No double posts.


3. (not really a rule) Deadline august 20th 12PM Pacific coast time


Just a mini contest for a little coupon will check at deadline time to see who gets it. If anyone has plans to buy it within the months date that is.


Edit: While I'm not limiting this to members meaning anyone can be entered. The only thing I'm giving away is the coupon not the actual game. Seeing as how I don't need it and perhaps someone who didn't recieve one wants it so they could buy the game themselves.

Edited by Trelvick
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