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Perp not downloading its textures anything only map

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I miss having my textures on perp work.


I dont know if its just me but i have unistalled gmod cause i havent played so long than i decided to re join in perp weird thing is when i joined i didnt have to wait for any downloads nothing downloaded for me only the map i thought awsome but when i got in my whole screen was pink and black and i have all half life and css textures i made shure my extension was checked and it was i re started steam and restarted computer i also made shure my files where clear on my computer of gmod i unistalled and made shure i removed everyhting related to gmod on my computer cause that mostly fixes my computer but now its still pink and black i dont know if its just the sever not installing any of the textures cause now when cars drive its just errors please help me i ran out of ideas. I also checked my textures on dark rp everything works on dark rp all my textures its just perp please look forward into it


I also do have this screenshot showing how it looks



also now its not just me its more than 1 person we all have css and hl2 if a admin can see this please help its the perp files that arnt downloading we have no perp files i also checked my computer files no perp 2.5 or perp 3.0


Thankyou HG

Edited by Thundrawar
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Yeah this just started yesterday I never had a problem and it just started cause I unistalled gmod to need more room than i re wanted to play perp and no perp files have downloaded im not shure whats going on all my textures work on differernt severs i checked in dark rp I can use css weps props hl2 guns and props everything works fine now even more people are having hard time playing cause they are also getting errors leaving the sever makeing no more new players come and i think most people can see everything good cause they been on hg perp before this problem so please check it out

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