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Some CSS Visual freezing/stuttering.


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So lately I have been having some issues while playing css. I keep getting this random freezing or stuttering that is really annoying and pretty much screws me over while I'm trying to bhop. The freezing that occurs only happens for like a second and when it happens while I'm moving like bhopping, its as if I just stop in place and stops me from going where ever I was jumping to. Something I've noticed so far about this freezing is that when it happens my frames don't jump around or anything. I always use fps_max 49 for bhopping so my frames never go below or above that number even when my game freezes for a split second, same goes for my ping it doesn't go up or down.


So far all I've found from searching around is to use cl_smooth 0, verifying game cache, defraging, restarting router, something about audio drivers, and video drivers and other such but I still haven't found anything that completely fixes it. This only started happening like 2 weeks ago, before then everything was working fine and I haven't made any changes to my setup or anything.


Here's what I'm running http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2407002 I've never had any of these freezing problems before and my system can very well handle anything in CSS. Also my temps aren't bad, Cpu does 16C idle and like 45C under load and my GPU does 32C to 55C ingame, so temps aren't a problem. OH and one more thing I am running Windows 8 Release Preview and before anyone mentions it, I have been running this OS since this "release preview" first came out and never had this freezing until just recently.


So now if anyone has any suggestions on what I could do to fix this freezing/stuttering please post :D and thanks for the help!

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I have an idea,


Take your cstrike out of your Counter-Strike Source folder, afterwards put in the launch options -autoconfig, post back with results.


Good luck. :)


Just tried it and it was doing fine for about an hour and then it started doing it again through everyone of my runs. There's also no noticeable pattern on how it happens sometimes it can be as soon as I leave spawn and other times its when I'm in the middle of a level.


Also here are my temps while I was ingame

http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/ig/060177a02e5bf20c88bc1a4ae75fca3b.png nothing extreme that would say its over heating.

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The mat_queue_mode command should relieve the stress on the single core as the command was set to -1, setting it to 2, giving it the multi core support meaning that the other cores will now be used, and should now stop the stuttering on the single core it was working on. As I was thinking it was down to the one core the game trying to perform on, now the game should stop freezing/stuttering.

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This seems more like a bandage fix than an actual fix to his issue.


I suspect it's graphic drivers/the actual video card (either IGP or the dedicated graphics) itself


In any case, if you're satisfied with a bandage fix then let us know how it goes. Might be even Source engine itself.

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