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I have a few questions about becoming a HG recruit.


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1. I realized I made a mistake on my forum account age, I think I made my age where I'm like 20 or something, but I'm actually 14 about to be 15. Becoming a HG recruit requires your age, I don't want them to think I'm lying or something, do I have to make a new forum account to become a HG recruit?

2. I may sound stupid. But what is a TeamSpeak Server? How often do I have to go on it? Also, it looks like you have to download it? Do you? It's not a problem if you do because I'm getting my own laptop soon and I can do it on there.

3. Do I HAVE to add -hg- to my Steam Username? This is my brother's steam account and he bought Garry's Mod so I can play it on his account but I like to play on PERP and I like this gaming community and was wondering if I could join it.

Thank you for reading :D

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1) Message an admin to change it, dont worry I made the same mistake too and they changed it without a problem.


2) A teamspeak server is a server where a bunch of people can talk to each other. The server has been split into "channels" of games or general talking. If you wish to become a member you need to come in every once in a while and talk to people. Hellsgamers is a community that means we come together (as a community) and play together not just solo it out.


3) I don't know the full understanding to this but from what I know, you have to have the tag on our servers (we already have a tag enforcer for this which will NOT let you play unless you have the tag on). But we would love for you to keep your tag on all the time no matter what.



If you have anymore questions or concerns feel free to go into our teamspeak server and get into the channel "help desk". It's full of admins that can better assist you on your questions that you may have.


Here is the link to the tutorial on how to get the teamspeak client and getting into the hellsgamers official server: https://hellsgamers.com/teamspeakinfo

Edited by ExGBrian
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Brian nailed 1+2


We require you to wear your tag 100% of the time WHEN PLAYING ON OUR SERVERS. For example, I play on the hg jailbreak then play on another community's jb, I have to wear my [HG] on the hg one, not the other community's.

If your bro doesn't want the tag just remove it when you log off and we'll be good.

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