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Just started college, any tips?


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Guest The_Monkey
Go... To... Class...


I can't stress this enough. I got B's multiple times in my first two years just because I missed classes and lacked important information during exams. EVEN if they post lecture notes or recordings online, GO... TO... CLASS!


This, and study.

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Don't go to parties on Sundays, you don't want to be hungover in class.


At the same time, don't be a social pariah. Find activities and organizations to join on campus. I don't mean Quidditch and Humans v. Zombies or other gay crap like they have at Maryland. Find things that interest you and look for organizations to join (or lead) on campus. People underestimate how good extracurricular activity looks on a resume, even in college.

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At the same time, don't be a social pariah. Find activities and organizations to join on campus. I don't mean Quidditch and Humans v. Zombies or other gay crap like they have at Maryland. Find things that interest you and look for organizations to join (or lead) on campus. People underestimate how good extracurricular activity looks on a resume, even in college.


I'm also at Maryland and my dumbass roommate did Quidditch last year, lol




your school will probably have a club or organization for just about everything. For example, my current roommate is a part of UMD's airsoft club

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At the same time, don't be a social pariah. Find activities and organizations to join on campus. I don't mean Quidditch and Humans v. Zombies or other gay crap like they have at Maryland. Find things that interest you and look for organizations to join (or lead) on campus. People underestimate how good extracurricular activity looks on a resume, even in college.


Well do that stuff if it interests you. Who cares, right? Depending on what you're taking, no amount of extracurricular activities on your resume will make a difference.


My advice would be to get a job if you don't already have one. You'll probably find yourself spending a lot of money on campus on little things. It will drain your funds fast. Don't lend out your pens. NEVER leave your laptop unattended (or any of your shit). If you have a hard time staying focused, sit really close to the front. I brought my laptop everyday and spent way too much time doing anything other than paying attention, so I moved to the front. Everyone behind you can see what you do, so you're less likely to mess around. If you hate sitting by people or crawling over them to get a seat, get there early.


I was the queen of all nighters, doing those papers the day before they were handed in. I started and finished a paper in the few hours before it was due. Never do that. It sucks and it's not worth it. Get all the free shit you can during the first week. If you are staying in a dorm, do regular checks for bedbugs and wash your fucking hands often.

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laz is right. GO TO CLASS. my first semester in college i skipped classes that i thought i didnt need to go to every day and i ended up with a 3.33gpa instead of an easy 4.0 the next semester all i changed was that i didn't miss class and i got a 4.0 no problem.

also start homework THE DAY YOU GET IT. if you dont it'll pile up through the week then you'll have 10+ hours of homework to do over the weekend. trust me. ive done it.

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Talk to anyone and everyone. These are the people that are going to be your best friends for the next 4 years, you don't want to pass anyone up. Depending on what school you're at, you say it's big, GO TO THE SPORTING EVENTS. Go with your roommate, some random guy from class, it doesn't matter, find someone.


Also, what school?

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Try not to go overboard with your courses. For the large part of your first two years your going to be doing more entry level core courses. Try to plan out your time to fit your needs. No reason to go ahead and take 21 credits if you also plan on working and participating in other activities. TALK TO YOUR COUNSELOR. These people are working at your school to help you. Even if you think it is a stupid question, go and ask them.


Most Important is be open and be yourself. Many different varieties of people attend College and keeping an open outlook will def help you socially

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I was the queen of all nighters, doing those papers the day before they were handed in. I started and finished a paper in the few hours before it was due. Never do that. It sucks and it's not worth it.


must be a girls thing :(


But yeah I like most of what jella said. I always go to class a bit early so I can sit in the front, and at the side. Take notes,don't just sit there, the more you take notes (especially when you're tired) the easier it will be to stay focused on what is being said in class.


Don't skip classes, ever. Did that in the first year, messed up completely. did it again in the 3rd year now, messing up completely. Even skipping one class will make you miss a huge amount of info.


Use a condom. Please..


even though it's completely not like this in belgium, I have noticed that in the US, extracurriculur activities often make a difference on your resumé. Don't just do as many as possible, I would say, but pick one, or a few, your really are interested in.


Be social (but don't be some creep who just randomly joins groups of people he doesnt know whatsoever). Pay attention to the people around you and look for someone who seems to have common interests to start a convo with. Be nice to people, too. In my new school, everyone is arrogant and snobby cause they're filthy rich. In my old school, people were friendly. picking up someone's book or pen or whatever when they drop it, or keeping a door open for someone is an easy way to start a little convo and get people to at least notice you are alive, and in their classes. Idk how classes are given in the states but in belgium we would get a 5 min break between 2 hours or whatever, and people would stay in class. I used that (and most other people too) to ask other students questions like "hey I missed a thing or two when he was talking about contracting, did you understand that part?" and people would kind of start chatting a bit that way.


Don't give out your notes to people you aren't friends with. they'll just use you for it. Fuck them.


a job is important cause uni costs a shit ton of money.


start studying in time. Or even better, do a bit for your exams throughout the year. Don't stack everything till the last few weeks before your exams. Make schemes, make recaps, just, "ruminate" whatever you have seen in class that day/week. It doesnt take too much time or effort during the year, and it will benefit you big time when you have those exams.


HAVE FUN. YOLO (yup I said it.) these 4 or 6 or 7 years, will be the best of your friggin life. don't waste them, enjoy every damn minute of it.

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