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Reaper Disrespect

General Red

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Name: Reaper

Ban Location: TS3/Forums

Reason: Disrespect/Trolling in ts3

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8n6oFKpak8&feature=youtu.be

Comments: As me, shoubakka and Runda are playing DayZ he joins the channel and starts trolling and disrespecing. By the time I start recording shoubakka has already muted him and runda is getting annoyed. What he says in the video is completely un-needed and complete garbage that he can stay and keep such things up.

He has also come into my channels and asked me for free stuff from tf2 etc. When I tell him no he proceeds to call me and asshole and disrespects me.

I have also talked to reddevil about this and after their talk all he did is come to my channel and bitch at me about him Im an asshole.


I wont tolerate this anymore and if he continues to be a problem I will no longer contribute to this clan.



General Red

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I have no other way to record him in the channel. Fraps only works on fullscreen games for me. I could ask Runda/Shoub to verify the information or you could try talking to reaper and compare it but I garuntee it was reaper. I have no other way to report these incidents.

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LoL Video Doesnt Work And I Did hear a dirtbike so stop saying im trolling i wasnt trolling i was on dayz as well i wasnt trying to troll i was excited cuz i was gonna get me a dirtbike


So basically what you're saying is you were verbally abusing and disrespecting these nice gentle man and that you aren't going to do it again? That's what I heard.

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