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Request for Tanky AD Garen


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tanky ad? like a bruiser? i was thinking something like my wukong build would work on him.


boots + 3 pots

double doran's

boots 2 (or swifties if you're kicking heads in)

trinity force (sheen proc off his q)

last whisper





i don't even know how to build garen and the IE is only for the extra crit on his spin. this probably won't work.

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Oddly enough Garen is one of the few champs that I faceroll Yorick with. His spin now does 75% to minions meaning ghouls are quick work. His silence and spin are impossible to get away from as Yorick has no blink/dash to escape with. As for a build, Garen is more built on total AD rather than bonus AD now that they changed his judgement back. As such, building gradual AD into late is better now than building quick AD (Brutalizer, IE) early. Also Armor Pen is his new favorite stat, not AD.



Arpen Red

Armor Yellow

Scaling MR Blue

MS/AD/Arpen/Armor Quints (in order of what I think is best)



9-21-0 is usually best for Garen, though 19-11-0 is good too. For 9-21-0, take the 10% armor pen, movement speed (from "Initiator"), reduced minion and base damage, and improved offensive summoners. For 19-11-0, take the 10% armor pen, the 6 flat armor pen, the scaling AD, and damage reduction from minions and attacks.

The 19-11-0 page can be found here as seen on this thread.



Ignite and Flash. Meta sheep.



Boots and Potions (Cloth and Potions is ok too against matchups with FULL physical burst like Riven, Jax, and Wukong)

Heart of Gold (bread and butter top lane tanky AD; build splits up here depending on if top opponent is physical/magic damage)

Against Physical -

Ninja Tabi

2x Dorans Blade

Warmog's Armor (cuz its fuckin Garen)

Last Whisper or Infinity Edge or Maw of Malmortius

Against Magical -

Mercury's Treads

Hexdrinker (IMMEDIATELY)

Warmog's Armor (Again, fucking Garen)

Maw of Malmortius


Final Build should look something like this:

Merc/Tabi, Warmog's (Fucking Garen), Maw of Malmortius, Last Whisper, Randuin's Omen/Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge


Other relatively applicable items:

Sunfire Cape (not usually, but if the enemy is VERY melee AD based, it's ok)

Force of Nature (again not the best item but if their team has 2/3 magic damage pokers, its decent)

Bloodthirster (if you are doing very well and need to do more damage instead of tank hits)

Atma's (the item sucks now, but for Garen it's... myenh)

Youmoo's Ghostblade (how the fuck do you pronounce that?)

Trinity Force (Q doesn't have a low enough cool down to warrant TForce, but the slow proc is good for judgement if you get it)

Frozen Mallet (again, slow proc; doesn't give enough AD IMO to be great on Garen)

Manamune (hueheuheheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheeheuhehuehue)

Boots of Swiftness (if and only if you feel like they do NO damage to you or your team because you are snowballing SO hard)

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Oddly enough Garen is one of the few champs that I faceroll Yorick with. His spin now does 75% to minions meaning ghouls are quick work. His silence and spin are impossible to get away from as Yorick has no blink/dash to escape with. As for a build, Garen is more built on total AD rather than bonus AD now that they changed his judgement back. As such, building gradual AD into late is better now than building quick AD (Brutalizer, IE) early. Also Armor Pen is his new favorite stat, not AD.



Arpen Red

Armor Yellow

Scaling MR Blue

MS/AD/Arpen/Armor Quints (in order of what I think is best)



9-21-0 is usually best for Garen, though 19-11-0 is good too. For 9-21-0, take the 10% armor pen, movement speed (from "Initiator"), reduced minion and base damage, and improved offensive summoners. For 19-11-0, take the 10% armor pen, the 6 flat armor pen, the scaling AD, and damage reduction from minions and attacks.

The 19-11-0 page can be found here as seen on this thread.



Ignite and Flash. Meta sheep.



Boots and Potions (Cloth and Potions is ok too against matchups with FULL physical burst like Riven, Jax, and Wukong)

Heart of Gold (bread and butter top lane tanky AD; build splits up here depending on if top opponent is physical/magic damage)

Against Physical -

Ninja Tabi

2x Dorans Blade

Warmog's Armor (cuz its fuckin Garen)

Last Whisper or Infinity Edge or Maw of Malmortius

Against Magical -

Mercury's Treads

Hexdrinker (IMMEDIATELY)

Warmog's Armor (Again, fucking Garen)

Maw of Malmortius


Final Build should look something like this:

Merc/Tabi, Warmog's (Fucking Garen), Maw of Malmortius, Last Whisper, Randuin's Omen/Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge


Other relatively applicable items:

Sunfire Cape (not usually, but if the enemy is VERY melee AD based, it's ok)

Force of Nature (again not the best item but if their team has 2/3 magic damage pokers, its decent)

Bloodthirster (if you are doing very well and need to do more damage instead of tank hits)

Atma's (the item sucks now, but for Garen it's... myenh)

Youmoo's Ghostblade (how the fuck do you pronounce that?)

Trinity Force (Q doesn't have a low enough cool down to warrant TForce, but the slow proc is good for judgement if you get it)

Frozen Mallet (again, slow proc; doesn't give enough AD IMO to be great on Garen)

Manamune (hueheuheheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheeheuhehuehue)

Boots of Swiftness (if and only if you feel like they do NO damage to you or your team because you are snowballing SO hard)


Your so asian.

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Atmas impaler

boots merc treads or tabi


Fucking Garen...


Also, I forgot a good item in the list of option crap. Aegis of the Legion gives Garen some great all-around tankiness and is necessary for any team. If support/jungler isn't getting it, do werk.

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Now laz for the final build that you had


Tabi, Warmog's (Fucking Garen), Maw of Malmortius, Last Whisper,Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge


Was curious why last whisper would be used.


I think something like Frozen hammer would be good. or ofcourse like you said Sunfire cape could work


Well I kinda understand why you would select last whisper, kind of a must item but then again.. Im just dumb and dont understand the item too well.



When I go all tank Garen I build this : Swift boots, Guardian Angel, Sunfire Cape, Warmog's Armor, Warmog's Armor and then i think another warmog.. lolololol unless i go for like thornmail or something


I dont often go AD with garen but when i do >=D I get : Same boots, Infinity edge, like 3 black cleavers, with phantom dancer.

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