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Need help on this, im not exactly sure.


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So after awhile I came back to playing jailbreak, and I played a lot of rounds as T to get used to the game again. Then I decided to go CT as I got bored of being a T. Eventually the day started and the lead ordered non-opinion day participant Ts to go into the big cage. The lead told them this, "Stack along the boxes, face the boxes, don't be on top of the boxes, and freeze.". Then about 2 seconds later he began a countdown from 5 saying, "You have 5 seconds to not be on the boxes" (He said that exactly and clearly and began counting down from 5 to 0). Someone was on top of the boxes and the lead counted down so he could get off, but I registered his orders as exactly as he said and when he went to 0... I saw that all the Ts were still lined up on the boxes, so I began shooting them and killed about 5 before being stopped by lead and other people saying I was mass free killing. I tried to explain the orders and how I registered them in my brain, but they replied saying that they weren't on TOP of the boxes. The lead only said to not be on the boxes, not to be on top of them, and I take that as not touching the boxes period (Which is not stacking along nor being on top of it.). Regardless they did a free day for the rest of that time because I was apparently mass killing and I decided to slay myself because I felt bad (there went any admins in the server at the time).


I'm bored and I just wanted to be clear if everyone considers this as Free kills or not, so I wont do it again. This happened about a month ago btw, I just want answers if I play again.

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If the lead had stated "don't be on top of the boxes" and then followed up by saying not to be on the boxes, then he meant the same thing. Usually when a lead doesn't want them to be along the boxes he will say "don't be touching the boxes." If you're ever unclear about the orders it's best to ask for clarification or don't shoot at all.

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