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Harassing Younger [HG] Players


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I am making this thread because people and their ignorance towards the younger party of the [HG] community. I have seen kids be harassed and I am sure some of the people that will be reading this thread have too. I have been harassed to the point where I can't take it anymore and needs to stop. I don't think any of you would like to be called names and made fun off.


We need to stop these kinds of behaviors because I my self have had enough of people saying my voice is high. I am sure there are plenty of other kids out there who would like to express them selves, but when they try people may talk over them or continue to harass. I have had enough of it, and I want to stop it.


Thank You For Reading This,

-hg- steelarmor

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It is really hard to get a demo in time, if they call you a name and you start recording 20 secs later your not going to do anything. But when you in a ts3 channel with an admin and you get harassed, no punishment is given. Only person that has ever acted upon these comments when I was in a ts3 channel was Zj.

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If they are in the same channel hearing the same thing, witnessing it. They should be able to act upon it.


Its not their DUTY or JOB to do it. They can pay for admin and just sit in the corner and play with their spacebar for whoever cares

Record a demo, post it and Staff or whatever its called will handle it

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Kids- if you wait til a couple more years you'll at least be 16 years old. (required age to join HG is 13). And when the newer generation of kids come in. Have at it hauss, you guys better give the future HG recruits hell! You guys will get your turn soon :D!


My suggestion- Ignore the haters and keep on playing. There's a mute feature on every game we basically play now. So use that to your advantage. And don't let the older kids get under your skin. We might cuss and swear, but remember its the internet we're here to goof off or do whatever. Cheer up and move on with your day.

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This is a community, you have to expect to be mocked over sometimes, doesn't really matter if its cause of your age or if you're a recruit, even higher staff gets mocked, its all for fun cause in the end, its all just a game and its the INTERNET, so expect trolls more than nice people ;)


Though joking is one thing, sometimes it gets out of hand, in this cases you gotta tell the person you dont like it, and thats when you start recording and if the person continues, you do the report, we can't go around and tell everyone "Hey! stop mocking this guy", you have to take care of yourself and learn that not everyones a douchebag but not everyone is nice either.

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Alright problem solved! We got the kid who started this thread to shut up and go away! Now lets pretend like steelarmor never made this thread, cause that is how things usually go when someone with low power attempts to do somthing.


This is what happens when anyone tries to do something with no support or evidence for his argument

Dont try and pull the recruit card

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Alright problem solved! We got the kid who started this thread to shut up and go away! Now lets pretend like steelarmor never made this thread, cause that is how things usually go when someone with low power attempts to do somthing.


What do you want us to do? You came to the forums with a problem, and were told how things like this are handled. We can't babysit every last channel, or every last game server, and that is why the burden of proof is on the complainant. The people in here that can actually do something about this treated you with dignity and respect, and I would hope that you would do the same.

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Alright problem solved! We got the kid who started this thread to shut up and go away! Now lets pretend like steelarmor never made this thread, cause that is how things usually go when someone with low power attempts to do somthing.


Did you honestly read the posts made by Divisonal Leaders and Nick (former DL)? They are giving you the only advice you need for this type of situation. Three points made in this tread that I think you need to realize before you go barging off about how no one helped you.


1. Get proof of it occurring and make ban reports on people. No one is immune to punishment, so they will be dealt with. The very act of recording in TS3 is usually enough to shut someone up.

2. It's the internet. Honestly, if your voice is high you're going to get flack for it. You know how much shit a day I get just because I'm Asian, fluffy, and openly Christian? MUUUUUUUCH more than you. It happens, be able to absorb some of it, and learn how to deal with the rest (return to point 1). You get what you give. Most of my flack is because I was and am a dick to people who deserve it. Thus, I get some in return. If you're willing to dish it out, ready your asshole because it's coming in.

3. If you feel like someone is giving you crap in a thread you are trying to get serious help with, use the "Report Post" button (the ! sign next to "Blog this Post"). It will be dealt with.


Could someone please close this thread, because my attempt was and quite frankly, I have had enough of Gravity.


Gravity, grow up. Idgaf how this guy acts in game, you're acting like garbage right now.

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