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Harassing Younger [HG] Players


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You guys are teaching kids how to snitch on people...really? These kids should deal with it. Oldfags taught me this shit.


This is the problem right here. Its not snitching, stop being an asshole. You dont have to fuck with people because they are younger than you, and i know for a fact no oldfags taught you this. We let kids 13 an up play here, and some of the best people are that age. My advice to you is to grow up and learn that just because someone is young doesnt mean they are not a person. I hope your attitude changes quickly because you are now on my shit list.


This is getting way out of hand im closing it, follow procedure please guys. demo and send it to me or any other advisor+ if there is a problem poke me in ts or just tell me ill fix it.



I love HG and these are the things that need to stop, leave our younger memebers alone.

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