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I need a speech


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I'm doing an oral interpretation for school and I need a speech, and I was thinking doing one by Winston Churchill or Otto Von Bismarck since those were the only short speeches I've found as of yet.



2-3 minutes

Must be something that everyone can understand

School appropriate

Needs to have several elements where I can alter my voice (This is oral interpretation, that is being graded on playing around with your voice so speeches similar to Hitlers' speeches where there's several moments of high end yelling and such or sorrow.)


Also, if you don't have anything relevant or worthwhile to post, GO AWAY.

Edited by DarkMonotone
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though it is somewhat toungue-in-cheek, i think an attempt at clint eastwood's speech at the rnc would be worthwhile. If you can make it presentable and logical despite its content, it would probably net you some creativity and bravery points.




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