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Complete and total heartbreak :(


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Turns out, my best friend, who I went through all of middle school with, she went to a boarding school for our 8th grade year and I stayed here. Well, shes ignoring me, and doesent wanna talk. Thats hard considering I dont have many friends Irl or online, and she was the one person I could rely on, Sorry if this kinda crap isnt supposed to be in the forums, I just needed to get it all out. As I type I continue to ruin my hearing with obsene amounts of Drum n Bass. I feel terrible, too bad to even game. Minecraft, CSS, anything. I feel totally out of my normal. Don't know what to do. Figured somebody in HG would care, cuz none of my other friends do.. :worried:

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Hormones. And bad music... are a bad combination. Get outside and spend some time just enjoying the world around you (though in Texas that isn't much). You don't have much if anything to feel anxious for in middle school bud, give it a few years. In the meantime, stop ruining yourself by spending too much time on games and bad music. Find friends who share interests you share and spend time with them.

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are you trying to imply that the kpop shit you listen to is good?


Good job trying to derail this thread. Get your drama and your ego out of your forum posts. He's asking for suggestions. Provide some or refrain from posting.


Paradox, in the end no middle school relationship is going to last (except for that once in a blue moon "The Notebook"-level crap). Find new friends, find a new girl, and even better find God (or another great passion to live for) and stick to them.

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And bad music....


are you trying to imply that the kpop shit you listen to is good?

Let's not troll another serious thread, thanks.


I know how you feel a bit. I played video games too much, only talked to actual friends at school, hun out a few times a year, though people (girls) somewhat hated me yet that was wrong, I just wasn't friends because I didn't go to parties. Honestly, just find people with some common interests, talk to people who sit around you in school, do after school clubs/ whatever. Just be friendly and don't be nervous. It'll all get better soon, trust me.

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I know what you mean. I have one other friend in real life that I actually get along with. He is -hg- Vendetta (killer_conundrum) hes gonna request a name change soon. I think. well yeah, Him, and then this girl. She wasent my girlfriend, more like a best friend/sister type of girls.

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Hey man, I know exactly how you feel, back in 7t/8th grade I literally had 0 friends, over the summer, I talked to no one, spent the whole summer inside my house, falling into a deep depression, I did some things I'm not proud of, and i know how it feels to be so hopelessly lonely, so here's my message to you

Things get better

Things get wayyyy better, trust me

I'm now a junior in high school and I have all the people I need around me who care for me and love me

You may be lonely now, you may be hurting now, but trust dude, everything gets better

If you're having trouble getting out there, join a sports team, join a club, for me football opened up a whole new world

Once you hit high shool, you will find people to connect with and open up to, and if this girl doesn't wanna stay on board, fuck her and open up space for new people

Don't do anything rash, people come and go, all this bullshit passes and people will come into your life that care


Good luck man, ever need to talk just pm me


P.S this community is full of loving and caring people, who are here for you when you need it, I know they were here for me

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We care man!

I know how you feel, I've been in like total heartbreak since me and my last girlfriend broke up... I turned to HG to get my mind off things.

Also this is basically totally off topic-ish. but try going after another girl, it's what Im doing right now, and it's making me think of different things.

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