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Sleeping Dogs (Personal Review :P)

Ethan Mars

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I just finished Sleeping Dogs and I have to admit, its a great game, its got elements from GTA and Saints Row but there were alot of unique features from the game that made it an original. So anyway, here's my review/ score tally for it.


GRAPHICS: 9.5/10

Amazing graphics, water and other features look absolutely realistic. When you get wet, you actually look like your sweaty. Blood details are also good.



One of the best gameplays I played. Some elements from Shenmue (with the advanced unarmed and melee combat), Max Payne (with the slow-mo shootings), GTA and Saints Row. Upgrades and weapons and cars and clothes available ;) You can even collect collectibles for bonuses and even date girls for bonuses. Oh and also, some Assassin's Creed elements for the free-running and some enviromental attacks present.


STORY: 10/10

Story was really serious, some drama and some betrayals and twists could actually make the game an absolute must-play.


SOUND: 9/10

Sound effects and music are good. Honestly though, the Classical section of the radio appealed me :P and its unusual for me to like Classical music in a GTA-like game. Soundtrack are good with the oriental Chinese triad feeling/vibe. Also, KARAOKE FTW



I give this game a high replay value because you can actually replay some of the missions and try to beat the high score.


OVERALL: 10/10

This game is an absolute must-play. The game is really great. You should try it out if you haven't.


So, that's it for the review. Thanks for reading ;P


- Ethan Mars



The creator of Sleeping Dogs (United Front Games), was known for making the game "ModNation Racers" (look it up :P). :Wellthatescalatedquickly:

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A "realistic" number I would give it, across the board, is an 8.5/10 (granted, without finishing it). It's a strong title with a lot for you to do with a high entertainment value. There are some minor bugs and glitches in the game, not unlike any open-world game you've played before, but they do exist. There are some glitches that require you to restart a mission due to scripting errors. I also wish there was some more customization options for you and your vehicles. The strong gameplay, melee combat, story, and driving mechanics will keep this ahead of the pack until the next Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row drops.

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In free-roam mode, there are side missions you can go on called "Face Missions" that build up your reputation with the community. The Karaoke is more barebones than Rock Band. You move the control stick up and down to make sure your pitch matches the words. As far as "activities" I don't know the extent of what you can do as a whole.

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In free-roam mode, there are side missions you can go on called "Face Missions" that build up your reputation with the community. The Karaoke is more barebones than Rock Band. You move the control stick up and down to make sure your pitch matches the words. As far as "activities" I don't know the extent of what you can do as a whole.


Can you go to restaurants or street food?

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