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Pre-Purchase Now - Secret Files 3


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Pre-Purchase Secret Files 3 now and receive 10% off and a free copy of Lost Horizon!


The bestselling Secret Files franchise celebrates its return!


The dream couple Max and Nina have announced their forthcoming wedding...but at the beginning of Secret Files 3 the event suffers a catastrophe! Max is arrested by Berlins police force. The accusation: Terrorism.


Ninas biggest adventure yet awaits her in the franchises third game. Could it be possible that everything is connected to the happenings in Tunguska? Is humankind depending on her? Can she save Max or is fate more important than her happiness? Throughout the story players will experience a cinematic hunt crossing continents, with many riddles waiting to be solved.


The adventure is not limited to the present, there are also all kinds of puzzles to solve set in the past and in the future, and depending on the choices the player makes, alternative endings await them...





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