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Vote for Black Mesa Source on Greenlight!!!!

Couch Crumbs

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Vote to get Black Mesa Source onto steam! No mod deserves to be on steam more than this one, so let's make it happen!


Vote here


Check out the countdown!


Also, the soundtrack!


If you guys don't know this, Black Mesa is scheduled to be released in 5 days!


That's crazy, considering its been in development since '05, and its status for the past few years has been "It'll be finished when we finish it".


I've been checking the site every few months since about '08, so when I checked today and saw a freaking countdown timer, I nearly shit myself.


The developers have kept the media releases to a minimum after they failed to meet their '09 and '10 deadlines. This is because the disappointment that came with not meeting those deadlines, coupled with the realization of what a shitty job they would have had to have done to release that quickly, made them weary of hyping people up to much.


There's been a lot of hate directed at the devs for taking so long, and a lot more skepticism about whether BMS would actually be released, but the team is about to prove everyone wrong.


I'm so fucking excited!

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